• Rabbits escape water on top of sheep

    Rabbits escape water on top of sheep

    wellington (new zealand) July 26, 2017 12:09 Hot Recent News

    It was an adventurous, but gentle ride for three wild rabbits in New Zealand. The beasts struck in flight for rising water due to heavy rainfall. Because the three were afraid to get wet paws, they jumped back on the back of a few sheep and surfused their safety.

  • More kill by fire tower London

    More kill by fire tower London

    london June 18, 2017 22:45 Hot Recent News

    The London police announce new figures on Monday's estimated number of deaths as a result of the fire in the Grenfell Tower. The death toll is 58, but according to police commissioner Stuart Cundy is definitely increased.

  • Pope: it's just concentration camps

    Pope: it's just concentration camps

    rome April 22, 2017 19:57 Hot Recent News

    Pope Franciscus has compared the refugee centers on the Greek islands to concentration camps. He said that Saturday at a memorial in Rome. The pope found that the centers are largely deprived of concentration camps in Nazi times by the amount of people staying there.

  • Student aligned to Facebook

    Student aligned to Facebook

    mardan April 13, 2017 16:54 Hot Recent News

    An angry mob lynched a student who had put allegedly 'blasphemous material' online at a Pakistani university in Mardan. Another student was seriously injured, the Dawn newspaper reported Thursday. At least 45 people have been arrested.

  • Stockholm bomber wanted to make more victims

    Stockholm bomber wanted to make more victims

    stockholm April 10, 2017 14:24 Hot Recent News

    Rakhmat Akilov (39), the alleged perpetrator of the attack with a truck in Stockholm, wanted to make more victims of a bomb. This is evident from WhatsApp contact he'd had before and after the attack with an IS-warrior from Tajikistan. It reports the Swedish newspaper Expressen.

  • Weather big jewel heist in Paris

    Weather big jewel heist in Paris

    paris March 10, 2017 11:51 Hot Recent News

    Two Americans are in a garage under the chic Place Vendome robbed of jewelry worth 400,000 euros. The newspaper Le Parisien reported Friday that two perpetrators Americans attacked Thursday evening as they walked to their cars. Place Vendome has plenty of jewelers.

  • Coin-Op turtle surgery

    Coin-Op turtle surgery

    bangkok March 6, 2017 13:00 Hot Recent News

    Thai vets on Monday 915 coins removed from a 25 year old sea turtle. The animal swallowed the coins in which bystanders were thrown for luck in his bathing. The coins and other objects that came from the turtle, weighing a total of 5 kilos, ultimately its ability to swim limited. Turtle Omsin- piggy bank in Thai- itself weighed 59 kilos.

  • Kamikaze Driver Barcelona spent 20,000 euros on parties

    Kamikaze Driver Barcelona spent 20,000 euros on parties

    barcelona February 22, 2017 15:39 Hot Recent News

    The Swede Joakim Robin Berggren, on Tuesday in Barcelona panic caused by a stolen truck with gas cylinders to drive in traffic in central Barcelona, ​​there chased the night before his kamikazerit whopping 20,000 euros through at a party. The Swede still staying at the psychiatric ward of the Hospital del Mar in the city. The police can not question him yet.

  • Europe sent 894 refugees to Turkey

    Europe sent 894 refugees to Turkey

    athens February 18, 2017 10:21 Hot Recent News

    Frontex, the European agency for the management of external borders, has since April last year, 894 refugees and migrants sent back to Turkey. These are people who stayed on islands in the Aegean Sea.

  • 'Syrian army gas used in Aleppo'

    'Syrian army gas used in Aleppo'

    amsterdam February 13, 2017 17:42 Hot Recent News

    In the last period of the battle for Aleppo, the Syrian army used chemical weapons in the parts of the city where the rebels then sat. Helicopters threw chlorine bombs in these neighborhoods where staying even civilians.

  • Peru ordered arrest ex-president Toledo

    Peru ordered arrest ex-president Toledo

    lima February 10, 2017 07:21 Hot Recent News

    A judge in Peru on Thursday (local time) issued an international arrest warrant for former president Alejandro Toledo. According to the court to Toledo for at least eighteen months in jail so prosecutors can further investigate the corruption case which translated would have involved some 20 million euros.

  • US and Turkey are fighting together in Syria

    US and Turkey are fighting together in Syria

    ankara February 8, 2017 07:54 Hot Recent News

    The US president Donald Trump with his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan agreed that countries work together to free the Syrian cities Raqqa and al-Bab Islamic State. The two spoke to know each other in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday by phone, so let sources around Erdogan Wednesday.

  • Caregivers put bat youngster

    Caregivers put bat youngster

    san diego January 24, 2017 17:09 Hot Recent News

    Caregivers in the San Diego Zoo face the difficult task of rearing a Rodrigues Flying Fox (Pteropus rodricensis). The mother of this rare bat, which feeds on tropical fruit, died during childbirth. Which took place on the operating table by means of an equally special caesarean.

  • EU sounds alarm on migrants Greece

    EU sounds alarm on migrants Greece

    lesbos January 18, 2017 10:27 Hot Recent News

    Greece, other EU Member States and international organizations must pull out all the stops to improve the situation of migrants in the Greek islands. More help is needed immediately. That call did Commissioner Dimitri Avramopoulos Wednesday during a visit to the Greek island of Lesbos, where thousands of migrants staying in harsh winter conditions.

  • Asylum seekers set fire out of frustration
    0 Comment 114

    Asylum seekers set fire out of frustration

    hovelhof January 6, 2017 20:45 Hot Recent News

    The fire in the German refugee camp in Hövelhof was probably ignited frustration. The prosecutor said Friday three young asylum seekers of 20 and 21 years old been indicted. They would have come to their act of dissatisfaction with the housing at the former military complex near Paderborn in North Rhine-Westphalia.

  • Cold threatens children in need

    Cold threatens children in need

    amman December 21, 2016 08:09 Hot Recent News

    Millions of children in the Middle East which had already difficult, are now also threatened by unusually low temperatures. Certainly families from Syria and Iraq staying in refugee camps in the region are in the cold, warns Unicef.

  • More journalists imprisoned

    More journalists imprisoned

    December 13, 2016 13:30 Hot Recent News

    There are currently at least 348 journalists worldwide fixed. That is an increase of 6 percent compared to the end of 2015. Especially journalists in Turkey must apply to their count since beaten down coup attempt in July.

  • Five killed in major fire in Lima

    Five killed in major fire in Lima

    November 16, 2016 22:30 Hot Recent News

    When a major fire in a famous luxurious shopping area in the Peruvian capital Lima Wednesday five deaths. The fire in mall Larcomar on the rocks on the coast caused thick clouds of smoke that hung among others across the street surrounding the Marriott Hotel.

  • Woman fixed after reporting rape Dubai

    Woman fixed after reporting rape Dubai

    November 16, 2016 13:57 Hot Recent News

    A 25-year-old British tourist has been arrested in Dubai after she reported a gang rape. According to the newspaper The Independent, the woman is accused of extramarital sex and the two alleged perpetrators, also British, the country abandoned long and wide.

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