• Investigate death of baby Cuijk

    November 9, 2016 08:30 Hot Recent News

    The police are not finished investigating the cause of the death of a baby Tuesday night in a house in Cuijk. The child was unwell and died when ambulance personnel had come to the house to help the mother. The mother was taken to hospital and staying there even Wednesday, a police officer said Wednesday.

  • Dozens of migrants currently in Calais

    Dozens of migrants currently in Calais

    October 28, 2016 09:18 Hot Recent News

    In the refugee camp 'the Jungle' in Calais still staying more than one hundred refugees and migrants. According to the French authorities, the camp was completely cleared but according NIS correspondent Frank Renout are right outside the camp, dozens of people. That NOS reported on its website.

  • Astronauts finally to ISS

    Astronauts finally to ISS

    October 19, 2016 10:51 Hot Recent News

    With a month's delay, two Russians and one American left Wednesday at the International Space Station. The Soyuz capsule was launched from the Baikonur base in Kazakhstan.

  • Advance towards Mosul progressing

    Advance towards Mosul progressing

    mosul October 19, 2016 09:27 Hot Recent News

    Iraqi forces have liberated the district of al-Shura, an area southeast of Mosul. The terrorists of the Islamic State have been displaced. The area is about 45 kilometers from the famous ruins of the Assyrian city of Nineveh.

  • 'Syrian airport Berlin had in mind '

    'Syrian airport Berlin had in mind '

    October 10, 2016 20:39 Hot Recent News

    The Leipzig arrested terror suspect from Syria had been under German domestic intelligence supposedly an airport in Berlin on the eye. That the head of the Verfassungsschutz, Hans-Georg Maaβen Monday told the public broadcaster ARD.

  • Terrorist stuck with extension cord

    Terrorist stuck with extension cord

    October 10, 2016 19:09 Hot Recent News

    In German media are revealing photos surfaced of the arrested Jabr al-Bakr. The alleged terrorist, who wanted to carry out an attack like in Brussels or Paris, is tied with an extension cord on a couch in an apartment in Leipzig.

  • Picked up Syrian had links with IS

    Picked up Syrian had links with IS

    October 10, 2016 13:39 Hot Recent News

    The 22-year-old Syrian who was arrested in the night from Sunday to Monday after a manhunt in Leipzig, had links to Islamic State, as the German prosecutor announced. The man is formally suspected of preparing an attack.

  • Hundreds of tourists missing

    Hundreds of tourists missing

    lombok September 28, 2016 12:15 Hot Recent News

    On the Indonesian island of Lombok in 1100 tourists evacuated after an eruption of the volcano Mount Barujari. The authorities are searching for hundreds of tourists who are staying in the area. There are no reports of injuries.

  • Abbas was KGB agent '

    Abbas was KGB agent '

    jerusalem September 7, 2016 20:00 Hot Recent News

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas worked in the eighties as a KGB agent. This is evident from the documents of the intelligence service of the Soviet Union, reports the Israeli broadcaster Channel 1.

  • Boy (8) slain by grenade

    Boy (8) slain by grenade

    gothenburg August 22, 2016 19:06 Hot Recent News

    When a shell burst an eight-year-old boy was killed in an apartment in Gothenburg (Sweden). The grenade was overnight thrown through the window around 3 am and exploded in the living room, where the boy was sleeping at that time. here the boy, who comes from England but was staying at that time with relatives in Sweden, was seriously injured and later died in hospital.

  • Belgium fined residence

    Belgium fined residence

    brussels August 5, 2016 09:27 Hot Recent News

    People staying without valid papers in Belgium can expect a fine of 200 euros. This applies not only to foreigners whose visa has expired, as well as EU citizens who do not have valid documents with them or do not register in time for church as they want to live in Belgium for more than three months.

  • Life for American in the Czech Republic

    Life for American in the Czech Republic

    prague July 20, 2016 09:06 Hot Recent News

    A court in the Czech capital Prague has sentenced an American to life imprisonment for the murder of four members of the family where he was staying at. It is the 24-year-old Kevin Dahlgren who committed the murders in 2013.

  • Unmanned spacecraft on its way to ISS

    Unmanned spacecraft on its way to ISS

    July 17, 2016 14:09 Hot Recent News

    Russia on Sunday from the Baikonur cosmodrome send an unmanned craft to the International Space Station. On board are 2400 kilos of food, fuel and privépost. The space freighter is expected Wednesday night docking at the 'outer branch 'of mankind.

  • Hollande met with boos and tears

    Hollande met with boos and tears

    July 15, 2016 18:00 Hot Recent News

    The speech made by French President Francois Hollande Friday in Nice, was not only received with tears and applause. Back pay people a bloody price for the failure of the government that can not protect her against terrorist attacks, finding many French. That came to be the president considerable boos.

  • Syria army takes Aleppo in the rod

    Syria army takes Aleppo in the rod

    July 7, 2016 18:54 Hot Recent News

    Syrian government forces and their allies on Thursday cut the only road connecting the rebels in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo to Turkey. They marched during a cease-fire, which was announced Wednesday by the Syrian army. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the file was a front for the offensive.

  • Brits choose Brexit

    Brits choose Brexit

    london June 24, 2016 06:09 Hot Recent News

    Brits get the Liberation where Brexit camp on aanstuurde. They leave the European Union. A small majority of the country has chosen a Brexit. The turnout in the referendum was surprisingly large, significantly higher than in normal elections.

  • Asbestos Disease helpers Thatcher

    Asbestos Disease helpers Thatcher

    london June 22, 2016 22:30 Hot Recent News

    The rescuers who pulled the British prime minister Margaret Thatcher in Brighton in the hotel blown up by the IRA in 1984, taking on asbestos diseases. Police have informed them about the danger because one of the rescuers is deceased an asbestos-induced disease, writes The Daily Telegraph.

  • D66: asylum seekers' center in childcare

    D66: asylum seekers' center in childcare

    June 22, 2016 21:27 Hot Recent News

    D66 wants the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) money given to toddlers staying at the refugee center to go to daycare. The shelter is a good way to learn the Dutch language, says Member of Parliament Steven Van Weyenberg which suggests that young children are able to pick up a new language once quickly.

  • Painful miss in commemoration Cox

    Painful miss in commemoration Cox

    london June 22, 2016 18:09 Hot Recent News

    Visitors to the memorial meeting in London for the murdered politician Jo Cox responded Wednesday outraged advertising airplanes that flew with pro-brexitslogans over the British capital. Just at the moment the husband of Cox, Brendan, came the word carried the planes was about Trafalgar Square, where the main event, as British media reported.

  • Parents do not persecuted for gorilla incident

    Parents do not persecuted for gorilla incident

    ohio June 6, 2016 19:15 Hot Recent News

    Washington Post reports that the parents of the 3-year-old boy last month fell into a gorilla staying at a zoo in Cincinnati (USA), can not be prosecuted. The father and mother should be put to the death of the animal borne by negligence. Gorillas, Harambe (17), after the fall of the boy was shot dead by the zoo staff.

  • Thai King Bhumibol has heart problems

    Thai King Bhumibol has heart problems

    bangkok June 3, 2016 04:51 Hot Recent News

    Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej has heart problems are treated with antibiotics, according to the royal family on Wednesday (local time). In addition, the king had fought in his brains, which doctors have drain. The 88-year-old Bhumibol staying for months in a hospital in Bangkok.

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