• Review: Lumia 950 XL

    Review: Lumia 950 XL

    January 15, 2016 17:07 Hot Recent News

    Microsoft since the launch of Windows Mobile 2000 operating in the mobile market. A formula for success has been for years no longer. Windows 10 PC and mobile, the company hopes to make the turnaround. Is that going to work?

  • In 14 steps optimal home network

    In 14 steps optimal home network

    January 14, 2016 15:42 Hot Recent News

    Most home networks leave something to be desired or are incomplete because not all devices that can be connected are also connected. In this article we are going to connect everything together and connect to the Internet. You read what is best for your situation.

  • Jogger injured by wolf

    gartow January 13, 2016 17:28 Hot Recent News

    A wolf has a jogger in Germany wounded slightly. That would have happened on Christmas Day in a forest near Gartow, between Berlin and Hamburg. The story came out Wednesday. It would be the first injury to a human being since wolves returned to Germany around the turn.

  • Obama: IS threatens us do not exist

    Obama: IS threatens us do not exist

    January 13, 2016 07:56 Hot Recent News

    Islamic State Warriors (IS) threaten the existence of the United States does not. IS used only as propaganda to recruit. And by comparing the war with terrorists in the Third World, you play them only on the map. The only response is to destroy the murderers and fanatics,, and destroy. '

  • Swedish police concealed Cologne states

    Swedish police concealed Cologne states

    January 11, 2016 15:56 Hot Recent News

    The Swedish police have come under heavy fire because the Cologne states during a festival in Stockholm last summer and during the New Year in Malmö has deliberately kept under wraps. Young women are flocking assaulted by groups of young men from Afghanistan. Unacceptable, says the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

  • Facebook app did crash on purpose

    Facebook app did crash on purpose

    January 5, 2016 15:07 Hot Recent News

    Facebook has a small number of users deliberately leave the app crashing, to see how the victims could respond. Reported that the tech website The Information. The social network would thus examine whether the affected users of the app could turn back or not.

  • Occasional Player wins 50 million
    0 Comment 139

    Occasional Player wins 50 million

    January 4, 2016 19:35 Hot Recent News

    He had accidentally get some little money in his pocket, hit his hand a cross and won the second highest price in the history of the German lottery. A man from near Cologne Monday yielded his winning ticket in which he won Friday the Euro Jackpot of 50 million euros.

  • England ready for 400th anniversary Shakespeare

    England ready for 400th anniversary Shakespeare

    January 4, 2016 12:35 Hot Recent News

    William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, four hundred years ago. Britain's most famous writer was just 52 years old. Not only are birth and death place Stratford-upon-Avon is preparing to commemorate. Literally across the country climb actors and actresses venues to play one of his 38 plays.

  • Eight steps a second life for your router

    Eight steps a second life for your router

    December 31, 2015 16:28 Hot Recent News

    If you still have lying around an old wireless router, you can here some nice things with it. You can use it as an additional wireless access point for better coverage or switch to connect more devices. In this article you can read all about practical uses for your old router.

  • Billionth Uber ride in London

    Billionth Uber ride in London

    December 31, 2015 12:21 Hot Recent News

    Just before the end of the year, reports the 'controversial' Uber taxi service that has already facilitated more than one billion rides. The billionth ride took place on Christmas Eve in London in a so-called UberX car.

  • Turntables popular with Amazon

    Turntables popular with Amazon

    seattle December 30, 2015 11:21 Hot Recent News

    Amazon has published the list of most sold products during the holidays and if you look quickly would think that it is from a 1985 survey. The list includes a turntable and fact sheets for instant photo camera from Fujifilm.

  • Expand your home network throughout the home

    Expand your home network throughout the home

    December 29, 2015 18:07 Hot Recent News

    A network cable is always the best way to expand your network within your home. Unfortunately it is not always possible to build a network around your home. Fortunately, there are several solutions you can use and combine to create the perfect home for you network.

  • Internet is the new teacher

    Internet is the new teacher

    December 28, 2015 11:35 Hot Recent News

    Lessons over the internet. It has become the most normal thing in the world. A range of school tutoring, music lessons, language lessons, photography. And there is a striking trend: especially seniors explore the contemporary possibilities.,, In the past there was never really time for music lessons. I got it twice now and crosswise. '

  • More Jews emigrate to Israel

    More Jews emigrate to Israel

    December 26, 2015 13:21 Hot Recent News

    Almost 30,000 Jews have immigrated to Israel last year. According to figures from the Jewish Agency for Israel, which Israeli media reported Saturday. It is the highest number of newcomers in the country in fifteen years.

  • Khodorkovsky want asylum in Britain

    Khodorkovsky want asylum in Britain

    london December 24, 2015 09:49 Hot Recent News

    Mikhail Khodorkovsky intends to seek asylum in Britain. 'I consider that highly, because Putin sees me as a serious threat,' said the former owner of Yukos oil company told the BBC. He has recently sharply criticized President Vladimir Putin and the way he leads Russia.

  • Beatles will soon be on Spotify and Apple Music
    0 Comment 130

    Beatles will soon be on Spotify and Apple Music

    December 23, 2015 13:56 Hot Recent News

    Slowly but surely, the music of The Beatles with the times. After first after a long absence in the iTunes store to be purchased, the songs of the Fab Four from Thursday are also available on almost all streaming music services like Spotify and Apple Music.

  • 'Boris Johnson may minister Foreign Affairs'

    'Boris Johnson may minister Foreign Affairs'

    london December 19, 2015 11:21 Hot Recent News

    British Prime Minister David Cameron is considering the current mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to within a few months to appoint Foreign Minister. The flamboyant politician would therefore not only play a leading role in the campaign to keep Britain in the EU, but can also position itself to take over the lead Cameron at one point.

  • Washington Post leaves ' Watergate'- building

    Washington Post leaves ' Watergate'- building

    December 14, 2015 15:28 Hot Recent News

    Washington Post made ​​from Monday in a new building, 43 years after the newspaper has left the building in the US capital where journalists Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward played a decisive role in American politics. The newspaper and two journalists covered it exposed the Watergate scandal, which eventually then-President Richard Nixon was forced to resign.

  • Review : Huawei Watch

    Review : Huawei Watch

    December 11, 2015 18:07 Hot Recent News

    To be honest, I 'm still not convinced of the usefulness of smart watches. Nice that I can immediately see who's on my wrist mails or appt and how many steps you put in, but now the whole day wearing a smart watch... Many copies are also anything but classy there. The Huawei Watch jumps in design positive above it, but is that enough?

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