Mistrust against Secret Service and Democrats Reign in Trump-Aligned Media After Foiled Attack

Mistrust against Secret Service and Democrats Reign in Trump-Aligned Media After Foiled Attack

World September 16, 2024 23:09

amsterdam - President Biden expressed relief over the safety of former President Trump while praising the Secret Service's response. However, mistrust against the Secret Service and Democrats continues to dominate the media aligned with Trump.

President Biden expressed relief over the safety of former President Trump while praising the Secret Service's response. However, mistrust against the Secret Service and Democrats continues to dominate the media aligned with Trump.

Columnist Miranda Devine of the New York Post blamed Democrats for allegedly inciting the attempted attack. She highlighted past statements by Kamala Harris that accused Trump of inciting violence and praised extremists.

The Daily Mail speculated on dark conspiracies, questioning how the suspect knew Trump's whereabouts. Elon Musk also stirred controversy, questioning why there are attempts on Trump's life but not on Biden or Kamala. Criticism of the Secret Service's handling of the incident also emerged.

The serious press also picked up on questions surrounding the incident, with some suggesting plausible explanations for how the suspect knew Trump's schedule. Criticism and praise for the Secret Service's actions were voiced by individuals close to Trump.

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