Lenovo launches new fund for startups

Lenovo launches new fund for startups

May 9, 2016 17:24

- Chinese computer company Lenovo is investing $ 500 million, converted 438 500 euros in start-ups through a new fund. These reports TechCrunch.

Lenovo founded in 2010, the first fund containing $ 100 million, including an Israeli invention fan start-up Facebook ++ is funded in the field of face recognition.

The second and much larger Lenovo will fund related businesses that support the Chinese tech giant may cooperate, including in the field of cloud services, big data and artificial intelligence and robots.


Additionally, Lenovo has set up its own incubator program to develop their own business and leave some parts of the business on their own. Lenovo Cloud, Lenovo Connect and Shareit would first be eligible to privatize.

Quot; Technological breakthroughs change our way of life today. With our long industrial history and experience with innovation, we are well prepared for the future of groundbreaking technologies by financing start-ups and to advance, '' said Lenovo CTO He Zhiqiang.

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