• 'EU support for Iran gives wrong message'

    'EU support for Iran gives wrong message'

    washington August 25, 2018 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The European aid of € 18 million to Iran gives 'the wrong message, at the wrong time.' That is what the American special envoy for Iran, Brian Hook, who calls on Brussels to help the United States end to the Iranian threat.

  • Horror: STI eats away private parts
    0 Comment 200

    Horror: STI eats away private parts

    August 24, 2018 19:00 Hot Recent News

    A bizarre sexually transmitted disease (STI) is circulating in the United Kingdom: a disease that causes the genitals to erupt and rot. An anonymous British girl between the ages of 15 and 25 has been diagnosed in the past year, just like two British men.

  • Ecuador opens humanitarian corridor to Peru

    Ecuador opens humanitarian corridor to Peru

    quito August 24, 2018 10:00 Hot Recent News

    The Ecuadorian government creates a humanitarian corridor for refugees from Venezuela. Through this corridor, the refugees are taken to the border with Peru by buses. Many Venezuelans try to travel on foot through the Andes country to Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.

  • Deaths flood need India to 375

    Deaths flood need India to 375

    delhi August 21, 2018 13:16 Hot Recent News

    The death toll due to the flood in the South Indian state of Kerala has risen to 375. Over the past few days, 32,000 people have been rescued who were trapped by the high water, the authorities reported. More than a million people are housed in emergency reception centers.

  • Russian hackers are attacking US conservatives

    Russian hackers are attacking US conservatives

    washington August 21, 2018 12:32 Hot Recent News

    Russian hackers have focused their arrows on conservatives in the United States. Microsoft warns against this. The company claims to have taken over six domain names from the hackers. There were counterfeit sites of the think tanks The International Republican Institute and The Hudson Institute.

  • EU wants sharper climate targets for 2030

    EU wants sharper climate targets for 2030

    brussels August 21, 2018 06:16 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission intends to significantly increase the official climate targets of the European Union. The EU wants a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Now it is still 40 percent compared to the 1990 figures.

  • Worldwide commemoration of terror victims

    Worldwide commemoration of terror victims

    brussels August 21, 2018 06:00 Hot Recent News

    In different countries, the victims of terrorist attacks are commemorated on a global scale for the first time on Tuesday. This takes place on the 'international day of commemoration of and tribute to the victims of terrorism' that falls on August 21st every year. The global day of remembrance was created with a UN resolution in December last year.

  • Varoufakis: Greece has not been saved yet

    Varoufakis: Greece has not been saved yet

    August 20, 2018 06:32 Hot Recent News

    Greece has not yet been saved after the third aid package, says Yannis Varoufakis, the former Greek Minister of Finance, Monday in the German newspaper Bild. ' Greece is at the same point, is in the same black hole, and it sinks deeper every day. Also because the savings guidelines of the creditors prevent investments and consumption.

  • Merkel promises Niger more support

    Merkel promises Niger more support

    meseberg August 15, 2018 20:32 Hot Recent News

    Germany is going to provide Niger with more development aid and support in the fight against terrorism, as thanks for the cooperation in reducing illegal migration from Africa. Chancellor Angela Merkel said that President Mahamadou Issoufou, on a visit to Brandenburg, was due for Wednesday.

  • Heat wave leads to famine North Korea

    Heat wave leads to famine North Korea

    geneva August 10, 2018 10:21 Hot Recent News

    The Red Cross fears a new famine in North Korea due to the heat wave on the Korean peninsula. The harvest of rice, maize and other crops threatens to fail and has 'possibly catastrophic consequences', warns the international aid organization.

  • US imposes sanctions on Russia on Skripals

    US imposes sanctions on Russia on Skripals

    washington/moscow August 10, 2018 06:03 Hot Recent News

    The United States is imposing new sanctions on Russia because of the poisoning of the former double-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter. The US had never formally acknowledged that Russia had violated international rules on the use of chemical weapons with that poisoning in Britain. Russia reacts angrily to the measures.

  • Bulgaria is going to modernize army

    Bulgaria is going to modernize army

    sofia August 9, 2018 20:24 Hot Recent News

    NATO member Bulgaria is going to modernize its army. It still works largely with Russian technology. Head of government Boiko Borisov announced on Thursday that it is an investment of 1.5 to 2 billion euros, while in his country there are many needy sectors besides defense. Bulgaria has been a member of NATO since 2004.

  • Founder Pussy Riot wants to perform in Groningen

    Founder Pussy Riot wants to perform in Groningen

    groningen August 9, 2018 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Co-founder Maria Alyokhina of the activist Russian punk rock band Pussy Riot hopes to perform in De Oosterpoort in Groningen in January. She has a program in which she tells others about the original group, which in 2012 made the world press with a protest in a church in Moscow against the conditions under which Russian elections were held. The action against church and Kremlin gave her a prison sentence.

  • USA: Russia was behind toxic attack in England

    USA: Russia was behind toxic attack in England

    washington August 8, 2018 21:33 Hot Recent News

    The United States holds the Russian government responsible for the assassination attempt on a former double spy and its daughter in England with the nerve gas Novitsjok. That's what spokeswoman Heather Nauert of Foreign Affairs said. She promised Moscow new sanctions. They will take effect in two weeks.

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