• German dog survives fall of 45 meters

    German dog survives fall of 45 meters

    dresden August 6, 2016 18:00 Hot Recent News

    A 75-year-old woman has her dog Jule you deposit some 45 meters down during a walk in the southeast of Germany. Against all expectations, the animal survived the fall. Rescuers hoisted the dog with a pulley in the gap where she had arrived, the fire had more Saturday.

  • Declaration against naturopath Klaus Ross
    0 Comment 161

    Declaration against naturopath Klaus Ross

    August 5, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    The Health Care Inspectorate in Viersen has reported against Klaus Ross. This naturopath has spent in a cancer clinic, near the border of Limburg. According to the Inspectorate Ross critically ill patients treated incorrectly, and moreover, failed to alert a doctor when they were in bad shape.

  • Pope concludes with Mass World Youth Day

    Pope concludes with Mass World Youth Day

    krakow July 31, 2016 11:00 Hot Recent News

    Pope Francis on Sunday with a Mass for hundreds of thousands of pilgrims ended World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. On the eve were masses of believers for a prayer vigil for the 'Field of Mercy' flowed just outside the Polish town where she had spent the night.

  • D-day for Van Rey

    D-day for Van Rey

    rotterdam July 10, 2016 10:24 Hot Recent News

    Tuesday is D-day for former VVD Jos van Rey. The Limburg gets ex-politician told the court verdict. The requirement is two years in prison for corruption, electoral fraud and money laundering. Also wants the Prosecution that he spent three years no longer allowed to work for the government.

  • Antalya greets Russian tourists

    Antalya greets Russian tourists

    antalya July 9, 2016 19:45 Hot Recent News

    For the first time Saturday a Russian charter tourists flew to Turkey in eight months. The device turned off 189 holidaymakers in the resort of Antalya. Hence the 'cold war' between the two countries seems to really end.

  • Paradiso for rent on Airbnb

    Paradiso for rent on Airbnb

    amsterdam July 5, 2016 14:39 Hot Recent News

    A night spent in Paradiso, it may be this summer. The Amsterdam pop temple has offered on owner's website Airbnb. For 100 euros, two people very Paradiso rent day and night.

  • King Bhumibol to mend

    King Bhumibol to mend

    bangkok July 3, 2016 13:06 Hot Recent News

    Thai King Bhumibol is on the mend. This was announced by the advisory service Sunday. The 88-year-old prince is treated with an artery narrowing in the last month. Also, a drain fluid drained it pressed the brains.

  • Press brexit Consultation in the UK and EU

    Press brexit Consultation in the UK and EU

    london June 27, 2016 11:54 Hot Recent News

    Three days after the British referendum Europe leans on the British 'no' to the European Union. Monday meetings are on the agenda of the UK Government and the Welsh Government. In Prague, the German and French foreign ministers, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Jean-Marc Ayrault, feel free to try to Monday colleagues from Central and Eastern Europe on the threat of rupture in Europe.

  • Asbestos Disease helpers Thatcher

    Asbestos Disease helpers Thatcher

    london June 22, 2016 22:30 Hot Recent News

    The rescuers who pulled the British prime minister Margaret Thatcher in Brighton in the hotel blown up by the IRA in 1984, taking on asbestos diseases. Police have informed them about the danger because one of the rescuers is deceased an asbestos-induced disease, writes The Daily Telegraph.

  • Money flows into fund murdered Jo Cox

    Money flows into fund murdered Jo Cox

    london June 19, 2016 14:06 Hot Recent News

    A charity fund set up in memory of the murdered British parliament Thursday Joanne Cox has already half a million Euros in donations. The British newspaper The Guardian reported Saturday that has been 24 hours together by 14,000 donors already 400,000 pounds (509,000 euros) for Jo Cox's Fund.

  • MSF boycott EU

    MSF boycott EU

    brussels June 17, 2016 19:18 Hot Recent News

    Doctors Without Borders (MSF) now takes no more financial support to EU and EU Member States. This protest against the 'scandalous' treatment of refugees in Greece and Turkey have come to adopt the policy of the EU to sit or be returned.

  • Minute's silence at fan zones Championship

    Minute's silence at fan zones Championship

    bordeaux June 13, 2016 18:51 Hot Recent News

    The fan zones, areas outside the stadiums where many fans to watch the matches of the European Championship is Monday at 20.30 held a minute's silence in memory of the victims of the massacre Sunday in Florida. This is the president of the association of the ten cities where fan zones are arranged, said the Mayor of Bordeaux Alain Juppe Monday, according to French media.

  • SPD leader compares AfD'ers with Nazis

    SPD leader compares AfD'ers with Nazis

    June 12, 2016 08:33 Hot Recent News

    All that the right-wing populist German party says AfD spent the Nazis already raised. That finds the German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel.,, Everything they say I've ever heard- at least from my own father, who was a Nazi until his last breath, '' Gabriel said in the Berliner Morgenpost on Sunday.

  • N Korea allows plutonium again

    June 6, 2016 20:03 Hot Recent News

    Satellite images suggest that North Korea again produces plutonium, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in Vienna Monday. Production takes place at the Yongbyon nuclear research complex, where dangerous plutonium is extracted from spent fuel rods from a nuclear reactor.

  • Teens watch TV via smartphone

    Teens watch TV via smartphone

    amsterdam June 1, 2016 11:06 Hot Recent News

    Teens watch less television. Instead, they follow the programs through streams on the smartphone. According to research by Ericsson. The time spent by young people in front of a TV screen has been halved in recent years, watching TV on the phone is just nearly doubled in time. Also in other age decreases watching television and increasing the smartphone watch, but not so fast.

  • 'Fear of robots not justified '
    0 Comment 221

    'Fear of robots not justified '

    delft May 31, 2016 08:03 Hot Recent News

    That robots are increasingly taking over the work of people such as healthcare or industry is not negative par excellence. The fear of robots is not justified. That says general director Arie van den Ende of RoboValley. That starts with investor Chrysalix Venture Capital, a fund that will invest 100 million euros in robotics in the coming years.

  • Apple gives million dollars to stage

    Apple gives million dollars to stage

    May 30, 2016 15:36 Hot Recent News

    Apple has a new store in San Francisco and it is now clear how much such a shop actually. The answer: at least $ 24 million, converted 21.5 million. Patently Apple has calculated with information of contractor marketplace Build Zoom.

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