• 'EU: 115 million for refugees Greece'

    'EU: 115 million for refugees Greece'

    September 19, 2016 18:00 Hot Recent News

    "The European Union will give 115 million euros to humanitarian organizations for relief to refugees who enter the EU via Greece. That Commissioner Christos Stylianides (Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response) said during a speech in Greece. The money is primarily intended to improve the living conditions of the refugees."

  • Wall Trump not on Mexican budget

    Wall Trump not on Mexican budget

    September 8, 2016 19:33 Hot Recent News

    The 'Wall of Trump 'does not appear in the budget of Mexico for 2017.,, I can say with absolute certainty that that is not included in the planning,' 'verklapte finance the new Minister José Antonio Meade Thursday in a TV interview prior to the presentation of the national budget in parliament.

  • Syrian smuggler before German courts

    Syrian smuggler before German courts

    hannover September 7, 2016 10:33 Hot Recent News

    In court in Hanover, Germany on Wednesday the lawsuit against a 34-year-old Syrian people smuggler. Who is held responsible for two journeys across the Mediterranean Sea together with more than a thousand displaced people from Turkey to Italy.

  • European rolled smuggling network

    European rolled smuggling network

    September 6, 2016 15:24 Hot Recent News

    A major European operation has led to sixteen arrests against human trafficking gang. The network smuggled since 2014 more than two hundred mostly Syrian migrants in Europe, reported the European police organization Europol Tuesday.

  • Efficient librarian leaves fortune to school USA

    Efficient librarian leaves fortune to school USA

    September 5, 2016 14:30 Hot Recent News

    This wonderful gift may in the books. Robert Morin (77) at regular frozen meals, never went out and drove around in a rickety old car. This allows the librarian saved a whopping $ 4 million together. That amount he left the University of New Hampshire (UNH), where he worked for fifty years.

  • British firm in France after baby death

    British firm in France after baby death

    bayonne September 4, 2016 19:24 Hot Recent News

    French police have arrested a British tourist due to the death of her five month old baby. The baby was found dead in the house where the woman with her husband and two children stayed at the resort Saint-Pee-sur-Nivelle at Bayonne in the southwest of France.

  • Firefighters rescue man after nine hours of shaft

    Firefighters rescue man after nine hours of shaft

    September 3, 2016 19:21 Hot Recent News

    The fire in the German city of Braunschweig has saved a 30-year-old man who has spent nine hours in a five meter deep shaft. The man had stuck to a metal bridge in the pit filled with water for half. The fire could save him from an adjacent drainage shaft. At first glance, the man had no injuries. He was transferred for further investigation to the hospital.

  • Godfather laptop deceased

    Godfather laptop deceased

    August 29, 2016 13:45 Hot Recent News

    The Briton John Ellenby, who spent the first laptop computer with flip-up screen on the market with his company Grid Systems in 1982, deceased on 17 August. Ellenby was 75, his son Thomas told the New York Times.

  • IS leader was in Abu Ghraib prison

    IS leader was in Abu Ghraib prison

    baghdad August 26, 2016 18:45 Hot Recent News

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terrorist group Islamic State in 2004 was in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison. That the US military confirmed to the US research site the intercept. That Baghdadi was captured by the Americans during the occupation of Iraq was already known, but it was thought until now that he was at Camp Bucca, in southern Iraq.

  • Deposition threat for Brazilian president

    Deposition threat for Brazilian president

    August 25, 2016 06:30 Hot Recent News

    The Brazilian Congress Thursday takes the next step in the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. After the parliamentarians had earlier this month with more than two-thirds majority decided to mark its formally suspect, they decide in the coming weeks whether Rousseff must step down.

  • Corpse under hotel bed

    Corpse under hotel bed

    August 22, 2016 16:54 Hot Recent News

    Two guests who- have complained about a strange smell in their room- yet the night spent there appear to have slept upstairs in the bed hid the body of a murdered transgender.

  • Statue for Tony Bennett in San Francisco

    Statue for Tony Bennett in San Francisco

    August 20, 2016 17:39 Hot Recent News

    With his 90 years, the celebrated American singer Tony Bennett ('Because of you') in the US San Francisco Friday night (local time) unveiled a life-size statue of himself. The bronze statue is a leaving present for his 90th birthday on 3 August.

  • 'OM is investigating 70 deaths clinic Ross

    'OM is investigating 70 deaths clinic Ross

    krefeld August 18, 2016 18:12 Hot Recent News

    Many more patients than has been believed to be deceased after treatment in the clinic of the German naturopath Klaus Ross. According to the German broadcaster WDR, the police are investigating now seventy deaths. The crucial question is: they are deceased from cancer, or death is due to the administration of the disputed preparation 3-Bromopyruvat (3-BP)?

  • Dumped goldfish grows fast
    0 Comment 103

    Dumped goldfish grows fast

    amsterdam August 17, 2016 12:36 Hot Recent News

    Who has ever released a goldfish in the ditch, probably not expecting that the animal would grow to match size from. Nothing is further from the truth, according to a study by Australian scientists.

  • Turkey angry over German allegations

    Turkey angry over German allegations

    ankara August 17, 2016 11:24 Hot Recent News

    Turkey on Wednesday reacted angrily to a confidential document from the German government that the current Turkish government is described as mainstay for militant Islamic groups. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas can count according to the German document supported by Ankara.

  • scandalous Games

    scandalous Games

    amsterdam August 9, 2016 10:45 Hot Recent News

    The Dutch gymnast Yuri van Gelder has to leave the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro after he had drunk Saturday night outside the Olympic village alcohol and only returned early in the morning. But Van Gelder is certainly not the first athlete who comes discredited during the Games. Five high-profile scandals in the games in a row.

  • German neparts three years in jail

    German neparts three years in jail

    berlin August 8, 2016 10:45 Hot Recent News

    A 41-year-old German neparts Monday received three years in prison. The man, originally nurse, has long been two years as a ship's doctor on cruise ships. He treated both people on board as crewmembers.

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