Wanted Spanish drug lord appears in music video

Wanted Spanish drug lord appears in music video

World October 8, 2018 13:00

- Francisco Tejón, leader of the dreaded Castañas drug gang in southern Spain, pulls a long nose to the Spanish police. He appears together with the singer of Latin group Clase A in a video clip of the reggaeton song 'Candela'. The video was published last week and has been viewed more than 50,000 times.

In the video the singer can be seen together with Spain's most wanted drug lord. They step out of a Bentley and sit together in a pool surrounded by girls in strings and surrounded by champagne bottles. According to El País, the recordings were made in Campo de Gibraltar, in a villa that was previously searched by the police.

The villa served for private orgies of the Castañas and has a bar, a swimming pool, round beds and an SM room.

The police have confirmed to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that Tejón is the man that can be seen in the video. 'It's him. There is no doubt about that. We have been watching the video for a week, 'says a police spokesman for the El Mundo newspaper.

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