Trump wishes Porter the best of all

Trump wishes Porter the best of all

World February 9, 2018 19:30

washington - US President Donald Trump has taken up Friday for White House employee Rob Porter. This confidant resigned due to allegations that he verbally and physically mistreated two former spouses. The staff secretary himself rejects these allegations.

'He says to be innocent. You should not forget that, 'Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. 'He said very positively yesterday that he is innocent. We absolutely wish him all the best. It may be clear that he is having a hard time now. He did a great job in the White House. We hope that he has a wonderful career ahead of him. '

Spokesman Raj Shah said earlier that the White House did not know the scope of the accusations until photos of Porter's former wife with a black eye appeared. The issue embarrassed under John Kelly, the Chief of Staff of the White House. The question arose whether sufficient antecedents research was done for such a responsible job. Porter had not yet received a statement of good conduct. Shah admitted that several officials have dropped stitches.

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