'Spent hens treated like dirt'

'Spent hens treated like dirt'

World March 21, 2016 09:38

- Chickens can not be used to lay eggs, are often treated like dirt. Although the animals be kept animal-friendly, they often come in a miserable way to their end. A large part of the millions of spent laying hens is slaughtered cheap in Poland. The government tolerates this despite European rules which animals are transported with broken bones or arrive dead. This is contained in a report that presents the Animal Monday.

According to the Animal Protection poultry sectors, their customers and the government must take responsibility.,, A few cents per kilo more for soepkip or quick kipsnacks which the meat spent laying hens ends and these chickens a journey from hell could be saved over long distances , says director Frank Dales.

Apart from the fact that shipments of poultry should not last longer than four hours, the Animal Protection found that the people who catch the chickens and crates up first to follow an animal welfare course and should be supervised by an animal caretaker.

In the Netherlands holding companies in 1170 about 46.5 million laying hens. Naturally a chicken can be about seven to nine years old. As a hen does not get them, according to the Animal Protection two years once because after eighteen months and about three hundred eggs usually waits the slaughterhouse.

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