Putin: 'No doping '

Putin: 'No doping '

World March 9, 2016 12:35

moscow - Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it unfair that the Russian sports world is smeared after the recent doping cases. These are isolated incidents and 'it is only a few athletes,' said a spokesman for the Russian leader.

In recent days, sports celebrities like tennis star Maria Sharapova and skater Pavel Kulizhnikov caught using meldonium. They are the leaders in a series on drug cheats, many of whom come from Russia. Quot; This is of course regrettable, but it is not appropriate to involve now the entire Russian sports world in , said spokesman Dmitry Peskov against Interfax.

Last year showed research that was used systematically doping for years in the Russian athletics world, with support from the state. Now walk the Russians leading the meldonium affair.

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