Millions go hungry by El Niño

Millions go hungry by El Niño

World February 9, 2016 15:35

- The climate phenomenon El Niño, which in most people especially images of heavy rainfall will call this year leads in many parts of the world to huge drought. Tens of millions of people in Africa and Haiti facing famine.

Only in Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and South Sudan are more than 25 million people dependent on food aid, according to the World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations. According to USAID, the aid agency of the US government, even Ethiopia is struggling with the worst drought in fifty years. In southern Africa, the situation not been so distressing for thirty years.

In Haiti, the number of people who are not sure where the next meal is coming from doubled, to 3.6 million people. The harvest was in 2015 against serious, in some places was up to seventy percent less than normal harvest.

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