Juncker: less subsidy money to rich EU countries

Juncker: less subsidy money to rich EU countries

World February 14, 2018 12:45

brussels - Savings in agriculture and fewer subsidies to richer countries are inevitable if the EU wants to be able to finance new priorities. That warning was given by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker at a press conference in Brussels.

The boss of the EU's daily management was ahead of the informal EU summit at the end of next week, where EU leaders talk about the multi-year budget after 2020 and the European elections in 2019. Juncker wants the decision to be taken well before the elections. so-called multiannual financial framework (MFF).

Without Great Britain, which has promised to pay up to 2020, there is a gap of at least 12 billion euros per year. In January, Juncker said that the budget, which is now set for seven years by EU leaders, must be raised. Some Member States, in the departure of the British, see a good reason to prune in the EU budget.

The Netherlands receives an annual agricultural subsidy for the Flevoland region. In 2015, this involved an amount of 2.3 billion euros.

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