Iran sends 'spy VS' (81) cell despite doctor's advice

Iran sends 'spy VS' (81) cell despite doctor's advice

World February 6, 2018 18:36

teheran - Iran has sent the 81-year-old Baquer Namazi back to the cell. The Iranian American, former employee of the United Nations, was sentenced in 2016 to 10 years in prison for espionage and cooperation with the United States. He was temporarily free to undergo medical treatment.

The decision to put Namazi back behind bars, against the advice of the medical inspector of the government, is according to his lawyer Jared Genser 'comparable to a death sentence. 'Namazi was hospitalized four times last year. He underwent heart surgery, among other things.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urged the Iranian President Hassan Rohani to release Baquer Namazi. His son Siamak, a businessman with a double passport, is also stuck in Iran.

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