Iran replaces messaging app Telegram

Iran replaces messaging app Telegram

World March 31, 2018 13:48

teheran - Iran will definitively block the international messaging app Telegram within a few days. A similar Iranian app will be substituted for this. Opponents of the regime have made extensive use of Telegram in actions.

That is what Alaeddin Boroujerdji, the chairman of the Iranian parliamentary committee for security, told IRNA state press agency. Boroujerdji said that the decision was taken at 'the highest level'. He said that Telegram was used during the social unrest a few months ago to disrupt society.

Around the turn of the year there were demonstrations in several cities out of dissatisfaction about price increases, corruption suspicions and the lack of economic progress that the current president Hassan Rohani had promised. Protesters who wanted to communicate with each other used Telegram and other social media. Telegram is therefore already temporarily blocked.

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