Hermans to Meavita court ruling

Hermans to Meavita court ruling

World February 9, 2016 17:14

- VVD ringleader Loek Hermans goes to court to defend himself against still a damning indictment of the Amsterdam Enterprise Chamber about his role in home care organization Meavita. Hermans takes the decision that led to his resignation as VVD party leader in the Senate, 'and disproportionately unbalanced. The other directors and former auditors go in cassation to the Supreme Court.

The Enterprise Chamber ruled last November that top Meavita has perpetrated on mismanagement. It led in 2009 to prop up the home care organization. Abvakabo FNV had filed the case.

Hermans had had landed in his resignation know to feel responsible for the situation Meavita. He said that the judgment of the Enterprise Chamber so much attention directed personally at him that it was no longer possible to carry out his duties as a senator.

That Hermans are still coming in arms against the ruling does not mean that his resignation was unjustified. That was because of the personal attack, 'inevitable,' said a spokesperson.

Hermans led the Supervisory Board in the homecare giant when it went bankrupt seven years ago, a million debt behind. Abvakabo wants the former board members and supervisors personally bear the demise of Meavita.

As against the ruling of the Enterprise Chamber may not appeal, the former directors to ask the Supreme Court to annul the decision for breach of various rules of law.

'Under difficult and rapidly changing circumstances, the Board always in good faith to make trade-offs', so the statement reads Hermans et al. According to them, the Enterprise Chamber 'was not sufficiently aware of the difficult circumstances under which the former commissioners were doing their job.'

If the High Council annul the ruling, the specialist department of the court must reassess the case. The Board announced its willingness to 'discuss a final settlement.'

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