Germans are increasingly struggling with Merkel

Germans are increasingly struggling with Merkel

World April 22, 2016 19:56

- The discontent among the Germans Chancellor Angela Merkel is growing. The events in which its voters have problems with it, stringing them together.

Recently made its permissive attitude toward Turkey and its critical attitude towards the comedian John Böhmermann, who took the Turkish President Erdogan strongly on the heel, for discontent among the Germans. She called Böhmer Manns poem,, deliberately hurtful .

The barometer for politicians who recently announced the broadcaster ZDF, her popularity dropped the most. An investigation led among voters as a result that half of the electorate does not believe that Merkel will return as chancellor after the elections next year. Where she was a long time ago still undisputedly the most popular politician, she has now been dropped to the fifth place.

Would now be held elections, would acquire the CDU-CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag 33 percent of the vote. That is the lowest rate since Merkel is in power.

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