'Europe must monitor Turkish-Greek border '

'Europe must monitor Turkish-Greek border '

World January 29, 2016 19:00

brussels - Europe should monitor the Turkish-Greek border. Urgently the EU would therefore have to establish a new agency with 2,000 agents from all EU Member States to monitor the borders. That put Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Liberals in the European Parliament Friday as a solution to the migration issue.

There are already proposals on the table for the establishment of a European border and coast guard, but because it involves legislation it takes a while before it is set up and all parties agree on. In the meantime, Europe was already a 'European refugee emergency team' must establish, advocated Verhofstadt.

The 'European Refugee Rapid Emergency Force refugees would have to register and screen. As should be readily apparent whether someone is a refugee or economic migrant. Refugees staying in a reception center until they are assigned to a particular EU Member State to move through the asylum procedure there.

The Liberals hope that the EU leaders at their summit in February on this decisive action.

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