Diamond shines again after billions of euros

Diamond shines again after billions of euros

World May 14, 2018 11:15

- Diamonds get buyers again. Big traders of the glimmers dare to raise their prices thanks to the growing demand from Asians. The diamond trade is recovering from a fraud claim of billions.

The iconic producer De Beers has now made his diamonds more expensive again in a short time. His sales have risen to over half a billion dollars in the first quarter.

Associate Gem Diamonds, which mainly supplies large diamonds from Lesotho, was able to increase its prices by 48% in the first quarter.

The second supplier in terms of size, Alrosa, also saw a higher demand, specifically for the medium-sized and largest diamonds, after selling another half a billion dollars at the beginning of this year. Alrosa is investing $ 25 million in marketing this quarter as buyers have less fear.

The fact that billionaire trader Beny Steinmetz has returned with purchases after a year of silence has given the sector some confidence worldwide.

His Koidu mine in the diamond-rich Sierra Leone has been reopened for production, after the closure due to, among other things, the Ebola epidemic.

Steinmetz invested $ 50 million to reopen, to also mine the last parts of the diamond mine. That mine accounted for 400,000 carats of diamonds in a year, rising to 650,000 carats.

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