CIA chief wants IS 'behead'

CIA chief wants IS 'behead'

World May 2, 2016 09:14

- The United States should disable IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to hit hard the terrorist organization. That finds the director of the CIA. John Brennan watched Sunday's telecast of NBC's political talk show Meet the Press back on the liquidation of Osama bin Laden, exactly five years ago.

" We will destroy IS, I am convinced, '' Brennan assured." And we need to turn off the leadership in that organization sends these terrible attacks. If we get hold of al-Baghdadi, that would have a major impact on the organization and well be felt by them. " He was referring to the decline of terrorist organization al-Qaeda with the death of bin Laden and other leaders would be deployed.

According to the CIA director's 'IS not just an organization, but a phenomenon'. That would require a special approach.

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