American fighter plane crashes into Japan sea

American fighter plane crashes into Japan sea

World June 11, 2018 06:15

tokio - An American fighter plane crashed in Japanese waters on Monday. This happened during a training mission near the southern island of Okinawa, where some of the American forces are stationed in Japan.

The pilot could leave the F15 on time via his ejector seat. He was found by the rescue services, reported the US Army investigating the accident.

Many residents of Okinawa denounce the presence of American troops on the island. They are interfered with, among other things, the crimes, pollution and accidents that accompany them. A series of emergency landings and aircraft parts that have fallen from the sky increased the security concerns among the islanders.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to move the US airbase of the navy on Okinawa to a more remote part of the island.

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