170 nations sign climate decision

170 nations sign climate decision

World April 22, 2016 21:07

- Ministers and diplomats from some 170 countries Friday in New York signed the climate convention concluded in Paris in December. That was a conscious choice of host United Nations, as it was Friday's Earth Day 2016.

The Convention will enter into force after it is ratified by 55 countries. Ratification is the official confirmation. These 55 countries together produce 55 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Politicians assume that ratification will. This would then have to lead per 2020 to a significant reduction of the gases, in particular carbon dioxide (CO2). The states whose signature adorns under the Convention commit themselves to limit global warming to 2 degrees.

The treaty is described as historic by many parties. For example, by President Obama of the United Nations, who believes that the current generations of their children leave a healthier planet. Greenpeace also speaks of,, milestone in the fight against the climate crisis , the growing global warming. Coal, oil and gas will become some of the past, Greenpeace notes with satisfaction. Clean energy sources like solar and wind come in its place. As Netherlands will build more wind turbines at sea, soon accounting for the electricity needs of five million households.

Big Polluter China announced Friday in New York just before the signing ceremony that the country will ratify the Treaty of Paris. The Chinese announced far-reaching measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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