• Minister Slovakia gets angry after Marrakesh Pact rejection

    Minister Slovakia gets angry after Marrakesh Pact rejection

    bratislava November 29, 2018 20:16 Hot Recent News

    The Slovakian Foreign Minister has resigned angrily Thursday evening. The non-party Miroslav Lajcak decided to file his resignation in protest of the rejection of the controversial migration pact of the UN that will take place in Marrakech next month. The parliament in Bratislava voted against it with a large majority.

  • 'Limit time limit for border controls in EU'

    'Limit time limit for border controls in EU'

    brussels November 29, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    Checks along the borders between EU countries should initially be allowed for two months instead of the current six. The maximum duration must be reduced from two to one year. The European Parliament voted on Thursday for such an amendment to the rules for the Schengen area (319 against 241).

  • 'No-deal brexit thump for British economy'

    'No-deal brexit thump for British economy'

    london (anp/bloomberg) November 28, 2018 13:32 Hot Recent News

    The UK economy is going to have to deal with a serious blow if the British leave the European Union without an agreement. In the blackest scenario, the gross domestic product will be almost 11 percent lower in 2034 than if the British had decided to remain a member of the union. This is shown by estimates from the British government.

  • British parliament votes on brexit on 11 December

    British parliament votes on brexit on 11 December

    london November 26, 2018 18:32 Hot Recent News

    The British Parliament will vote on the brexit deal of Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday 11 December. This is evident from the timetable for the crucial debate on the agreement with Brussels that was put on Twitter by a Business Insider reporter on Monday.

  • Addertje can save Brexitdeal May

    Addertje can save Brexitdeal May

    london November 26, 2018 06:16 Hot Recent News

    A round by the British Parliament makes it clear that at the moment there is no majority for the Brexit agreement concluded yesterday in Brussels. But in the wildly popular betting offices the chance of this is still estimated at 50/50.

  • No more signal from a black box crash device

    No more signal from a black box crash device

    jakarta November 22, 2018 11:32 Hot Recent News

    The Indonesian authorities no longer receive a signal from the cockpit voice recorder of the crashed airliner of Lion Air. Nevertheless, the search for the so-called black box continues, the head of the committee responsible for transport safety (KNKT) said before the parliament.

  • Brexitdeal May seems to have died in the House of Commons

    Brexitdeal May seems to have died in the House of Commons

    london November 21, 2018 13:00 Hot Recent News

    According to British media, the British Prime Minister Theresa May should get more done at the EU than last week about the Brexit. The dissatisfaction with her Brexit policy has long been great within her own Conservative party, but her hope that there will be supporters in other parties seems to be fading.

  • British police arrest 70 environmentalists

    British police arrest 70 environmentalists

    london November 17, 2018 18:32 Hot Recent News

    The British police have arrested seventy people on Saturday at a protest in London. Demonstrators took to the streets out of dissatisfaction with the climate policy pursued by the British government. The activists also want a reduction in greenhouse gases.

  • Motion of distrust threatens May

    Motion of distrust threatens May

    london November 15, 2018 14:00 Hot Recent News

    Conservative pro-brexit parliamentarian Jacob Rees-Mogg is going to file a no-confidence motion against Theresa May as leader of the Conservative Party. He said that after the Brexit debate in parliament.

  • Political crisis Sri Lanka is continuing

    Political crisis Sri Lanka is continuing

    colombo November 14, 2018 21:00 Hot Recent News

    There is still no definitive solution to the political crisis that has kept Sri Lanka in its grip for weeks. The parliament voted yesterday the newly appointed Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa with a vote of no confidence, but the conflict seems not resolved yet. For the time being, the outgoing minister-president does not want to know about neighborhoods.

  • British agreement: Northern Ireland in EU

    British agreement: Northern Ireland in EU

    london November 14, 2018 08:48 Hot Recent News

    It seems that the agreement on the Brexit, which the British Cabinet is discussing on Wednesday, is that Northern Ireland remains in the EU and thus becomes a sort of separate from the United Kingdom. That said the leader of the Irish party DUP, Arlene Foster based on draft texts. Comments from other Northern Irish politicians also point to this, although the content of the agreement is not yet known.

  • Blok asks Hungary to stop slander

    Blok asks Hungary to stop slander

    brussels November 12, 2018 19:00 Hot Recent News

    Hungary must stop smear campaigns against those who express their views on the rule of law in the country. Minister Stef Blok (Foreign Affairs) asked the Hungarian Secretary of State Szabolcs Takacs (European Affairs) during a meeting on the situation in the country.

  • Party Macron wants to cooperate with Liberals EU

    Party Macron wants to cooperate with Liberals EU

    madrid November 9, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    The party of the French President Emmanuel Macron, La République and Marche, wants to cooperate with the liberal ALDE group in the European Parliament, which includes the VVD and D66. Astrid Panosyan, a confidant of Macron, said Friday that he would like to work together at the party conference of the ALDE in Madrid 'for a better Europe.'

  • Dead pimp wins elections

    Dead pimp wins elections

    pahrump November 7, 2018 23:32 Hot Recent News

    The 72-year-old owner of the world-famous brothel Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada, USA, has a seat in the state's parliament. There is a small problem: Dennis Hof died last month.

  • CSU and Free Voters sign Bavarian agreement

    CSU and Free Voters sign Bavarian agreement

    munich November 5, 2018 21:48 Hot Recent News

    The Christian Democratic CSU and conservative Freie-Wähler (Free Electors) have signed the first black and orange coalition in Germany in the South German state of Bavaria. He will be led by Markus Söder from the CSU who will be sworn in as prime minister of the state government on Tuesday.

  • OM: no offense suicide Praljak

    OM: no offense suicide Praljak

    the hague November 2, 2018 07:16 Hot Recent News

    No criminal offenses were found during the suicide of Slobodan Praljak. The Croatian former general (72) died last November after having taken a drink in the courtroom of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. He did this after the judges sentenced him to twenty years in prison. He then became unwell and died more than two hours later in a hospital in The Hague.

  • EU parliament calls for arms embargo Saudi Arabia

    EU parliament calls for arms embargo Saudi Arabia

    strasbourg October 25, 2018 15:00 Hot Recent News

    In a resolution, the European Parliament calls for a European arms embargo against Saudi Arabia in connection with the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The parliament 'condemns the torture and murder in the strongest possible terms' and urges the Saudi authorities to disclose where the remains of the critical journalist are.

  • EU parliament: money tap Turkey needs to close further

    EU parliament: money tap Turkey needs to close further

    strasbourg October 24, 2018 19:16 Hot Recent News

    The European Parliament wants to close the money supply for Turkey next year. The so-called pre-accession support of the EU should be reduced by EUR 147 million in 2019 due to political developments in the country, in addition to a 40% reduction proposed by the European Commission for the next two years.

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