• Kremlin afraid of US retreat from Afghanistan

    Kremlin afraid of US retreat from Afghanistan

    moscow January 24, 2017 09:21 Hot Recent News

    Russia fears that the new US president Donald Trump has troops from Afghanistan. The departure of the Americans from Afghanistan would worsen the situation in that country. A spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday according to Interfax news agency of 'collapse.'

  • First convoy leaves Aleppo

    First convoy leaves Aleppo

    aleppo December 15, 2016 07:30 Hot Recent News

    The first convoy of sick and wounded Thursday morning actually went on the road from eastern Aleppo to the west of the Syrian town. Thus seem the agreements made during the night of Wednesday to Thursday between the regime in Damascus and the rebels to work.

  • Deal on retreat from eastern Aleppo

    Deal on retreat from eastern Aleppo

    December 13, 2016 18:00 Hot Recent News

    The Syrian authorities and rebels in Aleppo have agreed that a number of rebels and civilians are allowed to leave the city to go to rebel territory in the northeast of the country. Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitali Tsjoerkin, Tuesday in New York, said he has heard that there is such an agreement and the rebels may in a few hours can leave almost by government forces recaptured city.

  • Battle of Aleppo practically over

    Battle of Aleppo practically over

    December 12, 2016 13:42 Hot Recent News

    The battle for Aleppo is practically over, according to the oft-quoted observers who call themselves the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). The leader of the Sohr, Rami Abdurahman, said the remaining rebels retreat terminated from their last strongholds and fight.

  • Hundreds of rebels surrender in Aleppo

    Hundreds of rebels surrender in Aleppo

    aleppo December 12, 2016 08:18 Hot Recent News

    The last 24 hours have once again many rebels in the Syrian city of Aleppo surrendered after Saturday already reported that some 1,200 rebels had laid down their weapons to the Russian Defense Ministry. There have emerged Monday 728 rebels, according to the department.

  • IS fighters shoot 33 civilians dead

    IS fighters shoot 33 civilians dead

    kabul October 26, 2016 09:39 Hot Recent News

    Islamic State terrorists have abducted 33 civilians in the Afghan province of Ghor and then shot. According to the governor of the unsafe area in the central-western part of the country to the extremists wanted to steal nearly a thousand sheep. The residents of the neighborhood oppose by force of arms with the help of security officials. Two came from the hundred IS fighters.

  • Talk America and Russia on Syria

    Talk America and Russia on Syria

    moscow October 20, 2016 19:57 Hot Recent News

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has held a telephone conversation Thursday with his US counterpart John Kerry on Syria. According to Moscow, they talked about measures to normalize the situation in the east of Aleppo.

  • Syria army extends truce Aleppo

    Syria army extends truce Aleppo

    aleppo October 20, 2016 07:45 Hot Recent News

    The Syrian army wants the truce on Thursday in the northern city of Aleppo took effect should last two days longer. The cease-fire would last eleven, but the Syrian state news agency reported on the authority of the military leadership that Friday and Saturday a 'humanitarian truce' between 08.00 and 19.00 local time is observed.

  • Erdogan: YPG breaks retreat promise

    Erdogan: YPG breaks retreat promise

    ankara September 2, 2016 09:24 Hot Recent News

    Turkey complains that the Syrian Kurdish militia fighters YPG its still not withdrawn behind the Euphrates River, as it has promised. Turkish troops last week northern Syria invaded and their local allies have been able to dislodge the YPG from the area of ​​the border town Jarablus, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Friday.

  • Kurdish fighters dig in in Manbij

    Kurdish fighters dig in in Manbij

    ankara August 29, 2016 09:03 Hot Recent News

    Fighters of the Kurdish YPG militia graves in the northern Syrian city of Manbij. They make no attempt to leave the city, as demanded the Turkish and US government sources said the security forces. There would just reinforcements arrived.

  • Turkish tanks clashed with Kurdish northern Syria

    Turkish tanks clashed with Kurdish northern Syria

    August 27, 2016 16:57 Hot Recent News

    Warriors of the Kurds affiliated militia in northern Syria provide fierce battle with Turkey-backed rebels. These are, according to the Syrian Observatory accompanied by Turkish tanks. The claims of the Syrian Democratiche Forces (SDF), which consists partly of Kurdish fighters and their allies had previously been attacked Saturday by Turkish warplanes and artillery.

  • 'In Syria, Kurds to retreat '

    'In Syria, Kurds to retreat '

    ankara August 24, 2016 22:00 Hot Recent News

    Turkey calls his troops recently returned from northern Syria when the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia withdraws behind the Euphrates. Until then, the Turkish military operation against Islamic State and the YPG continues, said Prime Minister Binali Yildirim Wednesday.

  • US demands withdrawal of Syrian Kurds

    US demands withdrawal of Syrian Kurds

    ankara August 24, 2016 16:15 Hot Recent News

    The Kurdish-Syrian fighters of the PYD militia in Syria lost the support of the US if they do not withdraw to the left bank of the Euphrates. That threat, the US Vice President Joe Biden expressed during his visit to Turkey, a sworn enemy of the PYD.

  • IS late 'human shields' go

    IS late 'human shields' go

    damascus August 13, 2016 13:30 Hot Recent News

    The majority of the citizens of the Islamic State in northern Syrian city of Manbij was carrying to cover his retreat was released. IS released the 'human shields' go between Manbij and Jarablus, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

  • German police arrested 'war criminal' Syria

    German police arrested 'war criminal' Syria

    karlsruhe April 6, 2016 17:42 Hot Recent News

    German police on Wednesday arrested a Syrian who allegedly committed in his homeland war crimes. The 41-year-old man was commander of a militia in Aleppo who has been tortured in the autumn of 2012 several people told the German Public Prosecutor.

  • Opposition Syria welcomes Russian retreat

    Opposition Syria welcomes Russian retreat

    geneva March 15, 2016 14:17 Hot Recent News

    A major alliance of Syrian opposition groups have received the retreat of Russian troops from Syria in agreement. According to the Supreme Negotiating Committee (HNC) takes the withdrawal end of the long conflict closer, but it warns that there may remain no foreign troops.

  • 'EU countries throw line close'

    'EU countries throw line close'

    brussels February 19, 2016 01:35 Hot Recent News

    Chances are that a number of European countries in mid-March, the limits go slam as the flow of migrants it is not clearly decreased. 'Without stopping, there is no hope, then spring comes and then even more people will take the ferry to Greece. Only rely on Turkey that the country will probably stop the migration flow is no longer enough, 'said a diplomat in the margins of the EU summit in Brussels.

  • Assange: pronunciation UN Working Group mandatory,

    Assange: pronunciation UN Working Group mandatory,

    london February 5, 2016 15:28 Hot Recent News

    The decision of the special working group of the United Nations for arbitrary detention on the self-imposed imprisonment of Julian Assange in London does have legal force. That takes the Wikileaks founder himself. He spoke via video link Friday the press from the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

  • Nibud : make pensions easier

    Nibud : make pensions easier

    utrecht November 2, 2015 00:30 Hot Recent News

    More than half of the Dutch (60 percent) do not know if he has enough income after retirement to pay all expenses . Among this group are many people who can hardly make ends meet and people under 45 years .

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