Research into Fillon passes through

Research into Fillon passes through

World February 16, 2017 09:54

paris - The prosecutor in France see enough clues to proceed with investigating presidential candidate Francois Fillon and his wife. Fillon has accused that he would pay his wife several hundred thousand euros for work they never did.

In a statement, the prosecutor ' the numerous elements that are collected do not allow now to drop the case. '

The 62-year-old Fillon is a candidate for the center-right party Les Républicains (LR) but is for weeks under severe pressure because of the allegations. Fillon would for years as a parliamentarian have to charge his wife and collaborator, as she has done no demonstrable work. The case came rolling by a satirical weekly.

Fillon says that his wife worked and he has broken no law. He considers the publications as a slanderous campaign to eliminate EAA. He does not retreat, but in opinion polls, he sinks further and further away.

The next step of the prosecutor is not known.

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