'Lower mortgage-lending for smartphone '

'Lower mortgage-lending for smartphone '

April 19, 2016 15:07

amsterdam - A phone for a new smartphone may have significant effects on a mortgage. The maximum mortgage may well turn out 16,000 euro lower, the Hypotheekshop calculates.

Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem (Finance) said last week that telecom companies offering phones on installment have to comply with the same rules as 'normal' lenders. For this, a true situation of toleration, but that comes to an end. The industry failed to come into itself with a code of conduct that complies with EU rules on consumer and competition law.

Subscribers with phones of more than 250 euros will soon be registered with the Bureau of Credit Registration (BKR). These obligations are included in a mortgage.

Monthly telephone subscription of 15 euros in addition to take care of the calculations mortgage consultant already for 4000 euro lower maximum mortgage. A family with two children and a total of four smartphones which monthly 60 euros is spent on smartphones, even 16. 000. borrow less.

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