Measures against suicide crisis

Measures against suicide crisis

World April 19, 2016 06:28

toronto - The Canadian authorities come up with a real plan,, 'to help the people of the indigenous community of Attawapiskat. The place has been rocked recently by a wave of suicide attempts.

Minister Carolyn Bennett (Aboriginal Affairs) spent Monday to rob a visit to Attawapiskat, where last Friday, five youths tried his own life. A week previously done eleven suicide attempts.

Bennett promised to put an end to the fragmented approach to problems in the municipality. The government will soon present concrete measures. Also going to ask the minister indigenous youth to advise her.

The Canadian government promised in March already making billions free to improve the living conditions of Aboriginal people. Aboriginal Canadians are more often unemployed, more frequently involved in crime as perpetrators or as victims, and they are poorer and suffer more addictions.

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