• US hearing on aviation safety

    US hearing on aviation safety

    washington March 21, 2019 00:32 Hot Recent News

    The US Senate is planning a hearing on March 27 on aviation safety after two fatal aircraft accidents with Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft since October. It will also be a second later...

  • Justice takes action against Guaidó

    Justice takes action against Guaidó

    caracas January 29, 2019 18:48 Hot Recent News

    In Venezuela the justice department has taken action against interim president Juan Guaidó on Tuesday. Attorney General Tarek William Saab has asked the Supreme Court to carry out a preliminary investigation into...

  • 'They make us outlawed'

    'They make us outlawed'

    berlin January 9, 2019 05:00 Hot Recent News

    'A black day for democracy.' This is how Alternative für Deutschland typifies the attack on Frank Magnitz, Bundestag member and deputy chairman of the party in the port city of Bremen,...

  • Trump nominates Milley as a top soldier

    Trump nominates Milley as a top soldier

    washington December 8, 2018 15:48 Hot Recent News

    President Donald Trump nominates four-star general Mark Milley as the new US top soldier. Trump reported on Twitter that he has Milley in mind as chairman of the joint chiefs of staffs. Milley has to succeed Navy General Joseph Dunford.

  • Chaos in Belgian cabinet

    Chaos in Belgian cabinet

    brussels December 8, 2018 05:32 Hot Recent News

    The N-VA was always praised for its sophisticated strategy. Party chairman and mayor of Antwerp Bart De Wever is known for his exceptionally well-developed political instinct and strategic smartness. But the Flemish nationalists suddenly have a hard time. Is it still an ordinary power party that considers the plush more important than principles?

  • South Korean becomes new chef Interpol

    South Korean becomes new chef Interpol

    dubai November 21, 2018 08:16 Hot Recent News

    South Korean Kim Jong-yang will be the new chairman of Interpol. According to the organization, he emerged as the winner in a vote at a conference in Dubai. Representatives of the 194 member states of the international police force meet there.

  • German gets lifelong in twenty years old murder case

    German gets lifelong in twenty years old murder case

    giessen November 19, 2018 14:32 Hot Recent News

    A court in Germany sentenced a man to life imprisonment almost twenty years after the violent death of an 8-year-old girl. According to the judges, the now 42-year-old Rick J. had kidnapped the girl Johanna in September 1999 in the federal state of Hesse and tried to rape her. Her body was found in a forest more than half a year later.

  • 'Seehofer steps up as chairman CSU'

    'Seehofer steps up as chairman CSU'

    berlin November 11, 2018 21:16 Hot Recent News

    The German Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer wants to end his political career. To the members of his Bavarian conservative party Seehofer announced that he wants to resign as party chairman. He also wants to give up his ministry, reported several German media Sunday.

  • Size full for Angela Merkel

    Size full for Angela Merkel

    berlin October 29, 2018 18:48 Hot Recent News

    The long political career of Angela Dorothea Merkel (64) is slowly coming to an end. On Monday, the German CDU-cheffin told fellow party members and the equally bewildered journaille in Berlin that she stops as a powerful chairman of her own Christian party: 'There is a need for fresh wind and space for the future.'

  • Merkel stops at the CDU

    Merkel stops at the CDU

    berlin October 29, 2018 12:00 Hot Recent News

    UPDATE- German chancellor Angela Merkel stops after eighteen years as chairman of her conservative CDU party. She also does not stand as a chancellor after 2021 and she does not aspire to a position in Brussels, German media write. The search for possible successors at the DCU starts immediately; a former rival of Merkel is a candidate.

  • Turks and Saudi's are joining forces in missing cases

    Turks and Saudi's are joining forces in missing cases

    washington October 11, 2018 22:32 Hot Recent News

    Turkey has accepted a proposal from Saudi Arabia to jointly investigate the case of the missing Saudi journalist. A joint team has to investigate 'all aspects' of the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, says a spokesperson for the Turkish president Erdogan against the Anadolu news agency.

  • Northern Irish confectioners win a cake fight

    Northern Irish confectioners win a cake fight

    london October 10, 2018 15:16 Hot Recent News

    The Northern Irish bakery couple who refused to bake a cake with the message 'support gay marriage' has not been guilty of discrimination. That is how the British Supreme Court ruled after years of legal battle. Lower judges thought that the bakers were discriminating, but the highest court of appeal spoke to them freely.

  • 'Italy's economic backlog unacceptable'

    'Italy's economic backlog unacceptable'

    rome/brussels October 9, 2018 15:32 Hot Recent News

    The Italian economy remains 'in an unacceptable way' and at least seventeen million Italians have therefore come into great difficulties. This is what the Treasury Secretary Giovanni Tria said on Tuesday in the margins of a session with the Parliament's Finance Committee.

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