• Assad condolences Putin after knocking down plane

    Assad condolences Putin after knocking down plane

    damascus September 19, 2018 22:32 Hot Recent News

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin's 'deep participation'. stated after shooting a Russian military aircraft off the Syrian coast. According to him, the incident is the result of the 'usual arrogance of Israel \u0026 quot; always the 'dirtiest means'; used for his ' low goals \u0026 quot ;, can be read in a condolence letter. The Syrian state news agency SANA reports this on Wednesday.

  • EU parliament wants Hungary on the criminal court

    EU parliament wants Hungary on the criminal court

    brussels September 12, 2018 12:32 Hot Recent News

    A majority of the European Parliament (448 for, 197 against and 48 abstentions) is in favor of activating the toughest criminal proceedings against Hungary. Developments in the former Eastern Bloc constitute a \u0026 quot; systemic threat \u0026 quot; for the European values, parliament.

  • Russian ambassador: secret services behind attack

    Russian ambassador: secret services behind attack

    london April 1, 2018 14:48 Hot Recent News

    For the Russian ambassador in London is now established who is responsible for the poison of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter. On Sunday, Aleksandr Jakovenko said on the Russian channel NTV that 'this provocation \u0026 quot; performed by the British secret services, about which state press agency Sputnik reports.

  • Speaking tube North Korea is silent about invitation

    Speaking tube North Korea is silent about invitation

    seoul February 11, 2018 06:24 Hot Recent News

    ' Honest and sincere. \u0026 Quot; The North Korean state press agency called the talks that the sister of leader Kim Jong-un had on Saturday with the South Korean president Moon Jae-in. The president has been invited by Kim Yo-jong to visit North Korea soon. But KCNA did not mention that.

  • 'Inconceivable that nobody was arrested at Moroccan football rally'

    brussels November 12, 2017 11:54 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian Minister of the Interior Jan Jambon finds it 'incomprehensible' that nobody has been arrested for the riots with Moroccan football supporters in Brussels. \u0026 amp; quot; There are camera images of the riots. Whoever went wrong will have to pay \u0026 quot ;, he says in Belgian media.

  • Hundreds of tourists evacuated after fire Italian camp
    1 Comment 1561

    Hundreds of tourists evacuated after fire Italian camp

    July 4, 2016 16:03 Hot Recent News

    In a sudden fire this morning in the Italian holiday Pra'delle Torri in Caorle, fifty kilometers northeast of Venice, almost forty bungalows are completely burned. The travelers, including Dutch, plummeting to flee to avoid being burned alive. They have cut and went up in flames. According to local press the fire started after four cylinders exploded. spread the fire rapidly from the strong winds. Under the Dutch who had to flee Rudy Span, who works in the resort.

  • Parliament wants to know origin of milk
    0 Comment 243

    Parliament wants to know origin of milk

    strasbourg May 12, 2016 12:32 Hot Recent News

    Consumers need to know where the milk they drink comes from. The European Parliament called for an obligation to print the country of origin on labels Thursday to producers of milk, dairy products and processed meat. This would promote food safety.

  • Terror Victim on iconic photo is back home

    Terror Victim on iconic photo is back home

    May 6, 2016 13:49 Hot Recent News

    Nidhi Chaphekar stewardess who was seriously wounded in the terrorist attack in Zaventem, is at home with her family. She took a Thursday flight from Paris to her hometown Mumbai (India) and could finally close her children in her arms after a half months. The woman became known after going over a photo of her, just after the attack, the whole world. 'It's the picture that saved my life.'

  • False start NL'se Invictus crew

    False start NL'se Invictus crew

    washington May 3, 2016 22:35 Hot Recent News

    VIDEO- Invictus participant Thijs van Dongen was the start of the trip with the Orange team suggested otherwise. During the flight direction of the sports he granted hours medical assistance to a woman with heart problems.

  • Dell changes name to Dell Technologies

    Dell changes name to Dell Technologies

    May 3, 2016 13:28 Hot Recent News

    The US computer company Dell on Tuesday unveiled its new name: Dell Technologies. This company wants to show that it is more than a manufacturer of computers. Dell is working on the acquisition of the company EMC. If the acquisition is completed is Dell owns include the virtualization software VMware.

  • What to do when contamination from ransomware?
    0 Comment 241

    What to do when contamination from ransomware?

    May 3, 2016 10:49 Hot Recent News

    Buma / Stemra virus was the first virus in the category of ransomware which gained notoriety in the Netherlands. This virus sends a message that is not allowed to remove easily. Ransomware can make it unreachable even personal files in severe cases. How do you deal with such an infection?

  • CIA chief wants IS 'behead'

    CIA chief wants IS 'behead'

    May 2, 2016 09:14 Hot Recent News

    The United States should disable IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to hit hard the terrorist organization. That finds the director of the CIA. John Brennan watched Sunday's telecast of NBC's political talk show Meet the Press back on the liquidation of Osama bin Laden, exactly five years ago.

  • 'Abdeslam booed by other radicals

    'Abdeslam booed by other radicals

    April 28, 2016 11:28 Hot Recent News

    Terror Suspect Salah Abdeslam upon arrival in the prison of Fleury-Merogis booed by other extremists. They would be angry with him because he would not blow themselves during the attacks in Paris in Brussels.

  • 'Abdeslam as an empty ashtray '

    'Abdeslam as an empty ashtray '

    brussels April 27, 2016 13:21 Hot Recent News

    'Salah Abdeslam has the intelligence of an empty ashtray. There's nothing in it.' That says his Belgian lawyer Sven Mary Wednesday in an interview with the French newspaper Libération. 'He's a little rascal from Molenbeek,' Mary said on the day of the delivery of Abdeslam to France.

  • Blendle is making progress as appbouwer

    Blendle is making progress as appbouwer

    utrecht April 25, 2016 10:42 Hot Recent News

    Blendle, the platform of founder Alexander Klöpping, working on the road. Not only a platform for the presentation of newspapers and magazines, the company also develops applications now. The first app is a fact: Pretty Netherlands app has just been launched.

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