Turkish Islamic Cleric Fethullah Gülen (1941-2024), Arch-enemy of Erdogan, Emphasized Dialogue

Turkish Islamic Cleric Fethullah Gülen (1941-2024), Arch-enemy of Erdogan, Emphasized Dialogue

World October 21, 2024 11:50

istanbul - Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish Islamic cleric, emphasized the importance of dialogue and attracted many followers due to his charisma. His influence grew, leading to tensions with Erdogan and ultimately a failed coup attempt and mass arrests.

Fethullah Gülen, born in 1941 in a village in the eastern Turkish province of Erzurum, was educated in Islam at a young age by theologian Said Nursi and Sufism. Becoming an Imam in Izmir, he attracted many followers with his charisma and began preaching across Turkey. Gülen authored books aiming to merge Islam, science, tradition, and modernity.

Gülen, known for his anti-communist views, conservative morals, and advocacy for free-market economy, built strong relationships with right-wing politicians like Turgut Özal. His community, known as Hizmet (service), expanded globally, influencing various sectors and media.

Accused in 2000 of conspiring against the secular Turkish republic, Gülen sought asylum in the US, maintaining a peaceful stance and advocating Islamic-Christian-Jewish dialogue. Despite initial goodwill between Gülen and Erdogan, disputes arose, leading to revelations of Gülen's extensive network in Turkish institutions.

Dissent emerged as Gülen opposed Erdogan on issues like the Mavi Marmara incident and the 2013 protests in Turkey. Accusations of corruption against Erdogan’s allies escalated tensions, culminating in Erdogan denouncing Gülen as a puppet of the US and initiating purges to curb his movement's power.

In 2016, a failed coup in Turkey was attributed to Gülen, resulting in ongoing arrests of his supporters. Despite Erdogan's extradition demands, Gülen remained in the US until his death.

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