Escalating Political Conflict Between Left and Right in Madrid Threatens Unity in Spain

Escalating Political Conflict Between Left and Right in Madrid Threatens Unity in Spain

World October 22, 2024 20:40

barcelona - Tensions between the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and the regional president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, are escalating, leading to a potential threat to the unity of Spain.

Tensions between the left-wing Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and the right-wing regional president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, have reached a boiling point. After Sánchez referred to Ayuso's partner as a 'proven criminal', he is now demanding her resignation. Ayuso's partner, businessman Alberto González Amador, in turn, demands that Sánchez retract his statements. He also seeks a hundred thousand euros in damages from Sánchez and fifty thousand euros from his Minister of Justice Félix Bolaños.

Sánchez and Bolaños labeled Amador last week as 'a criminal who defrauded the treasury'. They claim that Ayuso benefits from his money, which is unacceptable for a regional premier. Last week, Sánchez already called for Ayuso's resignation and repeated that demand earlier this week.

Ayuso's partner, businessman Amador, argues that Sánchez and Bolaños 'violate the basic rights of a Spanish citizen'. Amador, who made huge profits during the pandemic by collecting commissions for the supply of face masks, is accused of tax fraud and falsifying documents. He is said to have embezzled a total of 3.5 million euros. He has admitted to this fraud himself. According to Spanish media, he has offered to pay millions to the tax authorities to avoid a trial and imprisonment.

The populist Ayuso accuses Sánchez of waging a 'destructive campaign' against her. Ayuso, a fierce critic of Sánchez, has always been vocal about her aversion to his left-wing governments. During the pandemic, she pursued her own course by disregarding national policies and keeping the hospitality sector open. Along with the far-right Vox party, Ayuso is personally involved in the judicial investigation into Pedro Sánchez's wife due to alleged benefits she may have received at Complutense University.

'The feud between Ayuso and Sánchez is becoming personal. Although, truth be told, it has always been personal,' writes a commentator from the Spanish digital newspaper El Diario. Ayuso further stoked the fire by declaring in a public letter that she will not meet with Sánchez on Friday. The Spanish Prime Minister had summoned her as part of his meetings with all eighteen regional leaders. Ayuso justifies her refusal based on Sánchez's 'defamatory' and insulting remarks – as well as a new tax model for Catalonia, which grants the region a special status. She describes this as 'fatal for the rule of law, Spain's unity, and solidarity among regions'. 'What is not normal cannot be normalized,' Ayuso emphasizes in her letter.

Minister Óscar López of Digital Transformation describes Ayuso's refusal to meet Sánchez as 'very serious'. 'Díaz Ayuso engages in despicable politics: only confrontations and clashes,' he states. He refers to the Madrid region as 'the epicenter of mud and corruption'. 'Sánchez has not insulted anyone. He simply mentioned the tax fraud committed by Ayuso's partner, something he has already confessed to.'

National party leader Alberto Nuñez Feijóo initially remarked that it would be a 'mistake' for Ayuso to decline the meeting with Sánchez. However, he later somewhat softened his stance by stating that he did not want to dwell on the matter any longer and 'of course supports Ayuso'.

This is not the first time the controversial yet popular regional premier has found herself in such a political storm. Even her older brother was involved in a high-profile scandal under her leadership with a fraudulent face mask deal. Despite this, many within the PP ranks saw Ayuso as a stronger leader than Feijóo for a long time, although this perception is starting to shift due to the accumulating scandals in her circle.

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