• 'Donald Trump is best showman '

    'Donald Trump is best showman '

    July 16, 2016 18:18 Hot Recent News

    The Republican convention would be a political bloodbath which would be removed from his own party all the stops so that Donald Trump does not have to be hoisted on the shield. Meanwhile, the rest seems to be in the party ranks just before the convention in Cleveland starts something back. But criticism is enough.

  • Utah deceased patient infected with zika

    Utah deceased patient infected with zika

    July 8, 2016 21:33 Hot Recent News

    A patient age who died in Utah City last month was infected with the zikavirus. This was announced by the health authority of the US State Friday in Salt Lake City. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the positive test. The elderly woman had the infection on to traveling in a country where the mosquitoes that transmit the dangerous virus are active.

  • China suffered heavily during storm

    China suffered heavily during storm

    July 5, 2016 14:12 Hot Recent News

    The Chinese Yangtze river flooded many people in recent days killed. In total, 110 people are dead or missing. An estimated sixteen million people are inconvenienced by the river occurs far beyond its shores, writes so.

  • Million people walk on water

    Million people walk on water

    July 3, 2016 13:24 Hot Recent News

    The floating pier in the northern Italian Sulzano Artist Christo is in terms of visitors surpassed all expectations. More than a million people walked over the orange plastic pier, while the organizers had expected half that.

  • Grizzly kills passing cyclist

    Grizzly kills passing cyclist

    helena June 30, 2016 19:00 Hot Recent News

    A mountain biker in the Glacier National Park in the US state of Montana slain by a grizzly bear. According to police, the 38-year-old man was attacked by the bear when he pulled out a path in the park.

  • Fires California largely under control

    Fires California largely under control

    June 29, 2016 16:51 Hot Recent News

    The violent conflagrations in the nature of central California are largely under control. The many professional firefighters and volunteers were Wednesday managed to dig sand courses around 60 percent of the affected area in Lake Isabella, about 180 kilometers north of Los Angeles.

  • Art Pier Italy nearing success perish

    Art Pier Italy nearing success perish

    June 23, 2016 07:15 Hot Recent News

    The floating pier in the northern Italian Sulzano of the artist Christo is nearing success perish and wear faster than expected. There are so many people make a,, walk on water 'which local authorities have decided to close the attraction in the night hours. In those quiet hours can be restored wear the bright orange plastic plant.

  • Teenagers killed by storm in more Karelia

    Teenagers killed by storm in more Karelia

    moscow June 19, 2016 15:09 Hot Recent News

    By sudden storms on Sunday in a more numerous people killed or went missing in the western Russian Karelia. Russian media speak of at least eleven dead, mostly teenagers. Eleven others were rescued, but the rest of the group is still looking for.

  • Brother (11) hit alarm

    Brother (11) hit alarm

    June 19, 2016 15:06 Hot Recent News

    Three children from the same family, who were found dead Sunday in a lake in the German town of Neukirchen (Hesse), were found after the 11-year-old brother of the victims hit alarm.

  • British parties resume campaigns

    British parties resume campaigns

    london June 19, 2016 14:33 Hot Recent News

    The political parties in Britain resume their campaigns Sunday for the referendum on whether the country should remain in the EU. The parties gave up their campaigns after the assassination of Member of Parliament Jo Cox Thursday.

  • Man killed by broken branch

    Man killed by broken branch

    toronto June 19, 2016 14:30 Hot Recent News

    A Frenchman has come in Canada to life in an attempt to protect his pregnant wife. The couple was in Toronto under a tree on a picnic when a large branch fell down, Canadian media reported Saturday.

  • Three children drowned in Hesse
    0 Comment 134

    Three children drowned in Hesse

    June 19, 2016 14:15 Hot Recent News

    The bodies of three children from the same family were found in a lake in the German town of Neukirchen (Hesse). Emergency services said two of the victims after a bystander alarm had been beaten, the police said Sunday.

  • Walking on Water Italy

    Walking on Water Italy

    June 18, 2016 13:12 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of people walked Saturday with a work by the Bulgarian Christo 'over the water' by Lake Iseo in northern Italy. As Rotterdam temporary staircase at the Grand Trade Building, as the Italian place Sulzano since Saturday are floating pier.

  • Disney drama: police photo shows

    Disney drama: police photo shows

    orlando June 17, 2016 10:00 Hot Recent News

    Police in Florida have released a photograph of the two-year-old boy who was killed Wednesday in an attack by an alligator. The body of the toddler Lane Graves from the state of Nebraska was 18 hours after the attack reached in a lake at Disney Land from the water.

  • Army wins interchange at Raqqa

    Army wins interchange at Raqqa

    June 10, 2016 17:21 Hot Recent News

    Syrian government forces and their allies on Friday a strategically important junction of roads captured in Raqqa province. Both the provincial capital, the unofficial capital of the caliphate proclaimed Islamic State, as Tabqa, another city in the hands of the extremist movement, from there reach.

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