• Parrot possible witness in murder case

    Parrot possible witness in murder case

    June 6, 2016 12:09 Hot Recent News

    A witness to a murder may the time of the fatal shooting but remember all too well. There's only one problem: it's a parrot. The animal from the US city of Michigan keeps repeating the moment when his owner was shot dead last year.

  • Capybaras put city stilts

    Capybaras put city stilts

    toronto May 25, 2016 08:39 Hot Recent News

    They are just the two and are considered lovely rodents. Two capybaras knew Tuesday from the High Park Zoo in escaping the Canadian city of Toronto and since search literally dozens of people to the skittish animals. They are big, as capybaras, the largest rodents in the world and can be up to 65 kilos.

  • Girl (5) shoots himself to death

    Girl (5) shoots himself to death

    May 11, 2016 21:48 Hot Recent News

    A five year old girl from Detroit in the US state of Michigan, on Wednesday shot himself with a handgun from her grandmother. Mariah Davis had found the gun under the pillow of her grandmother, so the police said.

  • Artist Christo helps Pope Francis
    0 Comment 114

    Artist Christo helps Pope Francis

    rome May 11, 2016 17:56 Hot Recent News

    The Bulgarian-American artist Christo supports Pope Francis in his efforts to raise money for the children in the impoverished Central African Republic. Christo is world famous as 'package artist' of buildings. This time he takes less: he has three hundred numbered and signed DVD boxes in semi-transparent plastic wrapped.

  • Google helps polluted Flint

    Google helps polluted Flint

    May 4, 2016 08:21 Hot Recent News

    Google pulls the purse for the town of Flint, Michigan, where the drinking water is contaminated with dangerous lead. The amount of $ 250,000 (217,000 euros) should help to find a solution.

  • Mega Quest for... tak

    Mega Quest for... tak

    May 1, 2016 16:07 Hot Recent News

    A hiker who took a picture in the English Lake District with what looked like a body floating in the water, is left with red cheeks. After an intensive search of two days, the police could not conclude otherwise than that the 'arm' that floated in the water was in fact a thick branch.

  • Clinton gets ready for elections

    Clinton gets ready for elections

    April 29, 2016 23:07 Hot Recent News

    Now that the election race at the US Democrats almost over, the party starts to prepare for the presidential election. Hillary Clinton is almost certainly the nomination and therefore it Friday already appointed campaign leaders in three key states: Florida, Colorado, and New Hampshire. These are swing states, there is no clear favorite and the results that can make the difference between profit and loss in the presidential election.

  • Bycatch for angler with magnet

    April 18, 2016 10:00 Hot Recent News

    A man fishing on a key tried a strong magnet in Bavaria reported a special catches to the police. He took on the Bavarian lake in Waging am See an edgy grenade from World War surfaced. The 28-year-old German had the pole with the magnetic hook itself pieced together.

  • Rusting monster Loch Ness discovered

    Rusting monster Loch Ness discovered

    April 14, 2016 10:49 Hot Recent News

    During another hunt for the Loch Ness monster was finally hit. Researchers found the sample to a depth of 180 meters. It was 10 meters long, the equipment noted. Further study and consultation of the archives showed that it went to a movie model that director Billy Wilder had used in 1969.

  • Loch Ness monster emerges

    Loch Ness monster emerges

    April 13, 2016 16:49 Hot Recent News

    The Loch Ness monster is finally found after decades. At least, a nine-meter-high imitation version of the sample: a piece of scenery from a Sherlock Holmes film from the sixties of the last century. The fake Nessie was found by an underwater robot, almost fifty years after the 'monster' sank to the bottom.

  • Incestieuze mother hiding

    April 10, 2016 11:28 Hot Recent News

    Kim West, mother and beloved Benford, has gone into hiding after it was found that they risk a prison sentence of 15 years for her incestuous relationship.

  • Sanders defeats Clinton in Michigan

    Sanders defeats Clinton in Michigan

    March 9, 2016 06:00 Hot Recent News

    Democrat Bernie Sanders on Tuesday won the primaries in the US state of Michigan. After a neck-and-neck race, he defeated his rival Hillary Clinton by 50 percent of the vote. Clinton got 48 percent of the electorate behind him.

  • 'Clinton's best day is already over '

    'Clinton's best day is already over '

    March 2, 2016 16:49 Hot Recent News

    Hillary Clinton has her best day in the primaries for the Democratic presidential candidate already behind. Super Tuesday was a success, but her last. That firm language spoke the main campaign adviser to her rival Bernie Sanders Wednesday.

  • US military advisers to offer Nigeria

    US military advisers to offer Nigeria

    dakar February 26, 2016 20:42 Hot Recent News

    The United States has offered Nigeria a mission of special units to help the West African country in the fight against the extremist Islamist group Boko Haram. That the Africa Command of the US Armed Forces (USAFRICOM) announced Friday.

  • Princess snubs toilet of 36,000 euros

    Princess snubs toilet of 36,000 euros

    February 24, 2016 07:14 Hot Recent News

    An expensive toilet that was built for a Thai princess has remained unused. Despite the price tag of $ 40,000 (over 36,000 euros), the princess gave no step in the toilet. She made through a window just some pictures of the toilet.

  • Michigan gunman charged with murder

    Michigan gunman charged with murder

    kalamazoo February 22, 2016 19:21 Hot Recent News

    The man who was charged last weekend have killed six people in the US Kalamazoo in Michigan, has been charged with sixteen offenses, including murder six times. This is apparent from the documents submitted by the prosecutor Monday.

  • 'Random people slain '
    0 Comment 708

    'Random people slain '

    kalamazoo February 21, 2016 13:56 Hot Recent News

    The gunman who sat six people shot dead in the US state of Michigan, chose his victims according to the authorities with pure arbitrariness out. What possessed him is unclear. Terrorism is no, according to the prosecutor in Kalamazoo County, where the violence occurred.

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