• 'Little Red Riding Hood' (4) survives grueling journey by frost

    'Little Red Riding Hood' (4) survives grueling journey by frost

    tuva March 14, 2017 16:18 Hot Recent News

    To report that her grandmother was deceased, pulled a 4-year-old girl with a red cap on, six hours through a forest ravaged by wolves. It was also another-34 degrees in the Russian republic of Tuva. 'Red Riding Hood' Saglana Salchak made the trip to the neighbors of her grandparents. Her blind grandfather could not help but remain at home with his deceased wife.

  • Sweden come during tour of ice

    Sweden come during tour of ice

    lonsboda March 1, 2017 17:33 Hot Recent News

    Three Swedes, a father with two sons are killed while walking on a frozen lake in their homeland because they fell through the ice. The incident was the more Hjärtasjön at the site Lönsboda.

  • Quick recovery of marine life after extinction in Perm
    0 Comment 173

    Quick recovery of marine life after extinction in Perm

    washington February 15, 2017 22:42 Hot Recent News

    Fossils include sharks, marine reptiles and squid-like species have been excavated in the US state of Idaho have shown that the marine ecosystem has recovered very quickly from the highest mortality of species in the history of the Earth. During the Permian geological age, which ended about 252 million years ago, explained roughly 90 per cent of the then-living animals die.

  • More rain predicted in the region Oroville Dam

    More rain predicted in the region Oroville Dam

    sacramento February 15, 2017 17:30 Hot Recent News

    Now that the worst danger is over for the Oroville dam, according to the California media thousands of evacuated residents returned home. 'The Sacramento Bee' reported Wednesday that life in the city directly under the dam slowly regains its normal course. Supermarkets have opened the doors and the transport has started again. But there is also a new storm front approaching.

  • Immediate danger passed at dam California

    Immediate danger passed at dam California

    oroville February 14, 2017 22:48 Hot Recent News

    Nearly 200,000 people in northern California who had to leave their homes because a dam threatened to collapse, may return home. They must remain prepared to leave if the situation changes, but the immediate danger seems over. That of Butte County sheriff Kory Honea notified.

  • Indians lose battle for oil pipeline

    Indians lose battle for oil pipeline

    washington February 13, 2017 20:36 Hot Recent News

    A judge in Washington has ruled Monday that the construction of the last stretch of the infamous Dakota pipeline for transporting oil flowing. A group of Indians had the judge in the District of Columbia invited from the region concerned to stop the construction.

  • Fear of catastrophe remains USA

    Fear of catastrophe remains USA

    oroville February 13, 2017 18:18 Hot Recent News

    To avoid a catastrophe begin Monday with the US authorities to address the damage to the Oroville Dam, the tallest dam in the US Large pockets with stones deposited in a sagging drain. Sunday had almost 200,000 people living downstream below the dam Oroville, left in a hurry the region.

  • Evacuations due to damaged dam California

    Evacuations due to damaged dam California

    oroville February 13, 2017 06:24 Hot Recent News

    The local authorities have called on residents to evacuate from Oroville, California and surrounding area. The Oroville Dam, the tallest dam in the United States, has been damaged by heavy rainfall. An emergency spillway, a waterway that carries away the surplus water would collapse nancy.

  • Impressive pictures of meteor over US

    Impressive pictures of meteor over US

    chicago February 6, 2017 21:00 Hot Recent News

    The sky above the US states of Illinois and Wisconsin's early Monday morning ripped through a meteor. Over Lake Michigan gave the meteor burning up in the atmosphere a blue light. Then dropped the piece of space debris into pieces. No one was injured.

  • Bats Cabinets with felled forest in Schinveld

    Bats Cabinets with felled forest in Schinveld

    schinveld February 6, 2017 17:21 Hot Recent News

    Defense going cabinets bats hang in the forest area near Schinveld. There will also be places for butterflies and salamanders along a lake in the woods. In addition, some dead trees are cut down potentially dangerous for walkers. That commitment has made the ministry to the church Onderbanken. That left the association Stop AWACS Monday.

  • France wants to ban cigarette alluring

    France wants to ban cigarette alluring

    paris February 1, 2017 18:36 Hot Recent News

    The land of Gauloises, Gitanes and Bastos- according to the addict connoisseurs filled with monkey hair, a finely chopped tobacco- wants to get rid of cigarettes with an enticing name. The parcels in France see now all been the same, dark and not very inviting with images of tarred lungs, but the danger still lurks in the glitz and glamor of the brand names. French Health Minister Marisol Touraine announced at RTL and Europe1 a law which puts an end to this.

  • National Ballet scores on smartphone

    National Ballet scores on smartphone

    san jose/amsterdam January 25, 2017 10:48 Hot Recent News

    The National Ballet has won a US price with the virtual reality movie film Nightfall. Who looks with special glasses to see the movie on his or her smartphone, the impression that he or she is in the middle the ensemble. The company made the film last year with the company \u0026 samhoud, directed by directors Jip Samhoud and Marijn Korver.

  • Swiss shoot officers and himself down

    Swiss shoot officers and himself down

    rehebotel January 3, 2017 21:24 Hot Recent News

    A 33-year-old Swiss has Rehebotel, a village near Lake Constance, two policemen came to search his pilot shot down and the gun afterwards focused on themselves. The culprit is dead, one of his victims became seriously injured. Which according to local media was hit in the heart area. The other was shot in both legs.

  • Kurdish group claims attack Kayseri

    Kurdish group claims attack Kayseri

    istanbul December 20, 2016 17:06 Hot Recent News

    A splinter group of the PKK, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK), has claimed responsibility for the bomb attack Saturday on a bus with Turkish soldiers in the southern city of Kayseri. In the suicide car bomb attack came fourteen soldiers killed.

  • 'Former Texas Governor Minister of Energy '

    'Former Texas Governor Minister of Energy '

    December 13, 2016 08:30 Hot Recent News

    The former Texas governor Rick Perry, according to US media Energy Minister. President-elect Donald Trump asked him for the post, reported include CBS News Tuesday. If Perry Senate receives blessing, he will hold sway over a ministry which he said in 2012 that he 'would be abolished.'

  • Judge stops recount votes Michigan

    Judge stops recount votes Michigan

    December 8, 2016 06:30 Hot Recent News

    Michigan stop the recount of votes in the US presidential election. A federal judge has decided that presidential candidate Jill Stein of the Green Party is not a victim and therefore has no right to request the recount.

  • Demonstrators Dakota: we have not yet won

    Demonstrators Dakota: we have not yet won

    December 5, 2016 17:39 Hot Recent News

    Protesters against a controversial oil pipeline through the territory of an American Indian tribe responded cautiously to the news that the plan needs to be overhauled. They fear that the next US government will still give the green light for the construction of the pipeline.

  • Federal judge bends over recount

    Federal judge bends over recount

    December 5, 2016 14:54 Hot Recent News

    A federal judge is due to consider the request by Jill Stein for a recount of the votes in Pennsylvania for the presidential election in the US A judge in that state recently allocated $ 1 million in court costs for a recount Stein and that was too much.

  • French village remove Mariabeeld

    French village remove Mariabeeld

    December 4, 2016 06:24 Hot Recent News

    The French village of Publier have the right image of the Virgin Mary Hide overlooking Lake Geneva. The religious image on public land violates the strict separation of church and state, the BBC reports.

  • Trump wins in Michigan

    Trump wins in Michigan

    November 29, 2016 06:21 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump has also won in the state of Michigan. It was the final outcome yet to come. Nearly three weeks after the US elections, the electoral commission announced that Trump has won with a difference of only 10 704 votes from Hillary Clinton.

  • Canadian fighter jet crashes

    calgary November 28, 2016 21:00 Hot Recent News

    A Canadian fighter jet type CF-18 crashed Monday near Cold Lake, Alberta, where a large air force base near the border with Saskatchewan.

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