Pope compares doctors performing abortions to hired killers

Pope compares doctors performing abortions to hired killers

World September 30, 2024 01:47

brussels/rome - Pope Francis compared doctors performing abortions to hired killers during a conversation with journalists on his way back to Rome from Belgium, where he was visiting in the past few days.

Pope Francis stated that women have the right to life - both their own and that of their children. He described abortion as murder, emphasizing that a human being is being killed. He referred to doctors performing abortions as hired killers, distinguishing birth control methods as something different.

During his visit to Belgium, the Pope expressed his opposition to abortion. While visiting the grave of King Baudouin, he praised the courage of the former Belgian king for temporarily abdicating in order to avoid signing a law that would legalize abortion. Baudouin, a deeply religious figure, was willing to abdicate in 1990 if required to sign a bill legalizing abortion.

On Sunday, the Pope announced that he would initiate the process for the beatification of Baudouin in Rome.

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