Far-Right Party FPÖ Wins Austrian Parliamentary Elections

Far-Right Party FPÖ Wins Austrian Parliamentary Elections

World September 30, 2024 01:32

vienna - After the resounding victories of far-right parties in Germany, their allies in Austria also won the elections. A pro-Russian nationalist party emerged victorious once again, as the 'Freedom Party' FPÖ led by Josef Kickl attracted nearly thirty percent of the voters.

The second place went to the conservative ÖVP with 26 percent, followed by their coalition partner, the social democrats with 21 percentage points. The liberal Neo's achieved a similar result as the Green party with nine percent.

The PVV expressed satisfaction with the victory of the anti-European FPÖ. Geert Wilders, the only party member, congratulated them. The Austrians and the Dutch government party are part of the patriotic faction in the European Parliament, collaborating with the authoritarian Fidesz party of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban – an authoritarian ruler admired by Wilders.

The victory of the Austrian FPÖ is remarkable considering the numerous scandals they have been involved in. Just three days ago, an extreme right FPÖ member was buried, and several high-ranking parliamentarians sang a banned SS song at the funeral.

In the 'Ibiza affair', their vice-chancellor Strache fell when he drunkenly revealed intentions to sell the country's largest newspaper to Moscow. He also showed willingness towards massive corruption, being a former Nazi sympathizer.

However, their party may not get the chance to govern due to a cordon sanitaire established by other parties. Similar to Germany, where no party is willing to cooperate with the far-right AfD for fear of damaging democratic institutions.

A coalition of conservatives, social democrats, along with liberals or greens, hold a significant majority in the National Council in Vienna. They do not wish to govern with FPÖ leader Kickl, known for discussing 'corona steel helmets' or 'health apartheid' concerning the government's actions.

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