NAM stops contributing to improvement measures in Groningen
November 15, 2024 09:20
the hague - The Dutch Petroleum Company (NAM) has announced that it will no longer contribute to the improvement of livability and economic prospects in Groningen.
This was confirmed by a spokesperson for Secretary of State Eddie van Marum (Recovery Groningen) following a report from De Volkskrant. The minister finds NAM's position 'extremely disappointing' and believes that the company is overlooking the significant problems still caused by gas extraction from the Groningen field.
However, NAM will remain legally liable for direct mining damage. As for potential further steps against NAM and its shareholders, oil companies Shell and ExxonMobil, Van Marum's spokesperson could not provide much information. But, 'it does not stop here.' There is already an arbitration case regarding the handling of earthquake damage and the compensation NAM seeks for shutting off the gas tap. This issue will be included in that.
NAM's stance has once again sparked anger in the Dutch House of Representatives. 'First making profits for years, and now walking away from the consequences and letting Groningen down,' said Christian Union leader Mirjam Bikker. 'You have to have some nerve. What a scandalous decision.' SP's Sandra Beckerman responded even less diplomatically: 'the bastards!'