Luxury yacht builders demand compensation for sunken Bayesian

Luxury yacht builders demand compensation for sunken Bayesian

World September 22, 2024 16:33

palermo - The builders of the luxury yacht Bayesian, which sank near Sicily in August, are seeking a large compensation from the owner, crew members, and operators of the vessel.

The company owns the shipyard where the supposedly unsinkable Bayesian was built. It was one of the largest and most expensive yachts, renowned for its 72-meter-long aluminum mast.

The 56-meter-long yacht, valued at over 22 million euros, belonged to a British company owned by Angela Baceres, the wife of English billionaire Mike Lynch. Regrettably, Lynch and six others, including his daughter Hannah, lost their lives in the ship's sinking on August 19. The tragic incident occurred off the Sicilian coast near Porticello. Baceres survived along with fourteen others. Among the ten crew members, only the chef perished.

According to the builders, the involved parties, including the operating company Camper & Nicholsons International, hired a crew that was not suitable for the vessel. In particular, the New Zealand captain James Cutfield was allegedly incapable of handling the technologically advanced ship, as claimed by the complainants. They also stated that the mechanical engineer and a sailor on watch did not act professionally.

The Italian authorities are still investigating the cause of the yacht's sinking, which occurred rapidly during a sudden storm. Interestingly, a nearby yacht was unharmed by the severe weather.

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