Four gas stations in Paris banned from selling diesel: Here's why

Four gas stations in Paris banned from selling diesel: Here's why

World October 14, 2024 10:40

paris - Four gas stations in Paris have been prohibited from selling diesel since early October as part of a broader plan to phase out the fuel in the city. The ban aims to reduce air pollution and is part of Mayor Anne Hidalgo's efforts to limit the use of polluting vehicles in the capital.

Four gas stations in Paris have been prohibited from selling diesel since early October as part of a broader plan to phase out the fuel in the city. The ban aims to reduce air pollution and is part of Mayor Anne Hidalgo's efforts to limit the use of polluting vehicles in the capital.

The ban on diesel at these stations is part of a plan to gradually phase out the fuel from Paris. David Belliard, deputy for mobility, told 20 Minutes that "the schedule for reducing and phasing out diesel has been known for eight years." He emphasized that residents' health is a priority, highlighting that diesel is responsible for pollution from micro particles, causing 8,000 deaths per year in the Île-de-France region.

TotalEnergies, which manages the affected gas stations, is concerned about the consequences of this decision. The company fears "a major shift of vehicles to nearby stations unprepared for this influx of customers." Efforts are being made, however, to minimize inconvenience for motorists.

An employee at the Porte d'Aubervilliers station assured 20 Minutes that customers were notified as early as September 15, 2024: "It was posted everywhere in the station, so there are no surprises." The city's ability to demand this from TotalEnergies stems from an agreement between the two parties that includes a clause explicitly requiring the cessation of diesel sales.

Although the city of Paris has been gradually phasing out diesel from its fleet since 2020, not all public services have followed suit. There are still police and fire department vehicles running on diesel. The city aims to also remove all gasoline cars from the city by 2030.

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