EU spending in Africa fails to effectively tackle migration issues

EU spending in Africa fails to effectively tackle migration issues

World September 25, 2024 23:27

luxembourg - European Union's multi-billion spending in Africa to combat migration issues has been found to be largely ineffective, according to a critical report by the European Court of Auditors.

The European Union has allocated billions of euros to Africa in an effort to combat migration. However, a critical report from the European Court of Auditors reveals that a significant amount of taxpayer money has been wasted. Shocking examples include a school in Africa receiving a blender as a gift despite not having electricity.

One of the aims was to prevent migration to Europe for a better future by providing development aid. However, after 4.5 billion euros spent, the European Court of Auditors concludes that there has been 'hardly any impact'.

Bettina Jakobsen, a member of the Court of Auditors, stated that the funds were dispersed across 27 African countries with a lack of focus. She emphasized the need for Brussels to ensure that the money is used for projects that benefit European taxpayers.

Investigation teams were sent to Africa to examine EU-funded projects firsthand. The report highlighted instances where funded projects were ineffective, such as a model farm in Ethiopia left unused due to economic infeasibility.

The report also revealed problems in Libya, where containers donated for a sea rescue coordination center remained unused. Despite criticisms, the European Commission has vowed to implement the recommendations made by the Court of Auditors.

Brussels acknowledges the need for more targeted and effective use of funds to address the root causes of migration. While lessons have been learned, the report notes that improvements came after much of the funding had already been allocated.

The European Commission stresses the importance of addressing migration as a global issue and remains committed to sustainable development in migrants' countries of origin.

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