Belgian King and Prime Minister Address Abuse to Pope Francis

Belgian King and Prime Minister Address Abuse to Pope Francis

World September 27, 2024 12:54

brussels - Belgian King Filip and Prime Minister Alexander De Croo talk about sexual abuse within the Catholic Church to Pope Francis during his visit to Belgium.

During his speech to Pope Francis, Belgian King Filip highlighted the suffering caused to children by sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. He mentioned how long it took for their cries to be heard or acknowledged.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo went a step further by pointing fingers at the church, stating that the numerous cases of sexual abuse and forced adoptions have severely damaged trust. He emphasized the need for a just approach from the church and stated that sweeping things under the rug is unacceptable, as it undermines the valuable work of many.

Pope Francis, while in Belgium, condemned the abuse in the Catholic Church, labeling the abuse of minors as a disgrace. He called for seeking forgiveness and solving the problem with Christian humility, acknowledging the shame and humiliation it brings.

Pope Francis is in Belgium until Sunday, engaging with fifteen victims of sexual abuse by clergymen. The visit comes thirty years after a pope last visited Belgium, with the overshadowing discussion revolving around the handling of sexual abuse cases within the Belgian Catholic Church, where many victims continue to suffer.

The Pope's visit, from Thursday evening until Sunday, also stirs memories of the last papal visit to the Netherlands in May 1985, which many considered a failure.

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