• Trump accused of tax fraud

    Trump accused of tax fraud

    new york October 2, 2018 22:32 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump got involved with suspicious tax constructions when he took advantage of his father's wealth. That writes the New York Times Tuesday. The US president has long presented himself as a self-made billionaire, but research from the paper has shown that he has received at least 413 million contemporary dollars (357 million euros) from the real estate empire of Fred C. Trump.

  • Russian hacker confesses guilt

    Russian hacker confesses guilt

    new port September 13, 2018 09:48 Hot Recent News

    A Russian hacker who has been tried in the United States has known that there is guilt. Peter Levashov would have led the infamous Kelihos botnet. That is a network of tens of thousands of hijacked computers that were linked together.

  • Leader Serbia compares Croats with Nazis

    Leader Serbia compares Croats with Nazis

    belgrade August 5, 2018 09:15 Hot Recent News

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has compared Croatia with Nazi Germany in a speech, because the Croatians drove over 200,000 Serbs during the Croatian War of Independence (1991-1995). 'Hitler wanted a world without Jews, Croatia wanted a world without Serbs,' said Vucic.

  • Deaths by heat wave Japan is on the rise

    Deaths by heat wave Japan is on the rise

    tokio July 17, 2018 07:33 Hot Recent News

    An intense heat wave in Japan has cost the lives of at least fourteen people in recent days. Thousands of people had to be treated in hospitals after they became unwell due to high temperatures, reports Japanese media. The mercury rose to above 39 degrees in some places on Monday.

  • Explosion at Somalia presidential palace

    Explosion at Somalia presidential palace

    mogadishu July 14, 2018 11:30 Hot Recent News

    In the Somali capital Mogadishu, an explosion and gunshots could be heard on Saturday in the vicinity of the presidential palace. That is what witnesses and the police report. The police shot on a speeding car that exploded near the palace.

  • 120 BPM big winner Césars

    120 BPM big winner Césars

    paris March 2, 2018 23:51 Hot Recent News

    The film 120 BPM has won most Césars on Friday night. The drama about gay activists who fought in France in the early nineties for recognition won six prizes, including those for best film.

  • Zuma: controversial and colorful president

    Zuma: controversial and colorful president

    johannesburg February 14, 2018 21:54 Hot Recent News

    Jacob Zuma is the most controversial and colorful president who knew South Africa in recent history. The former anti-apartheid fighter got entangled in a series of scandals, which many other politicians would have had the head, but Zuma held it- until Wednesday- more than eight years as head of state.

  • Lafontaine wants new left-wing people's party

    berlin December 30, 2017 12:12 Hot Recent News

    Oskar Lafontaine, former chairman of the party Die Linke, calls for the formation of a new left-wing people's party in Germany. He says Saturday in the magazine Der Spiegel that Die Linke and a part of the Greens and the Social Democratic SPD should join forces in that new party.

  • Romanian king Mihai (96) died

    bucharest December 5, 2017 12:45 Hot Recent News

    King Mihai, the last king of Romania, has died. The 96-year-old Mihai, who sat on the Romanian throne until the end of 1947, died in Switzerland, the Romanian court has announced.

  • TV manager Jamie Oliver gave birth, died

    london November 8, 2017 17:30 Hot Recent News

    The famous Italian television cook Antonio Carluccio died in London on Wednesday. British media reported that under the authority of co-workers who is also known as 'the godfather of Italian cuisine', # x27; \u0026 # x27; He has become eighty years old.

  • Police USA is getting a second army army

    Police USA is getting a second army army

    washington August 28, 2017 17:18 Hot Recent News

    US police forces should again have access to heavy equipment, such as armored vehicles and grenade launchers. President Barack Obama has banned the delivery of such a weapon, but his successor Donald Trump wants to get rid of those restrictions.

  • Over 500 chorus bombs were abused and abused

    Over 500 chorus bombs were abused and abused

    regensburg July 18, 2017 11:15 Hot Recent News

    Over five hundred choirs of the famous cathedral church in the German city of Regensburg have been abused and abused by priests and teachers in recent decades. That concludes the lawyer who was investigating the matter on behalf of the diocese, which is much more than imagined.

  • Already a medal for Aruban veterans WWII

    Already a medal for Aruban veterans WWII

    savaneta June 22, 2017 19:42 Hot Recent News

    Four veterans in Aruba will be awarded a war war of the Second World War. Three of them get a war memorial cross. This is special because that cross will no longer be published after 1968, except if there is already a request.

  • Maffiabaas Riina can leave prison

    Maffiabaas Riina can leave prison

    rome June 5, 2017 22:33 Hot Recent News

    Salvatore 'Toto' Riina can leave prison calling for his bad health. Also, the most feared Mafia boss of Italy has, like everybody stunned, the 'right to a dignified death' and he is no longer a danger to the community.

  • 'Chriet movies are classics'

    'Chriet movies are classics'

    threebergen April 24, 2017 09:09 Hot Recent News

    The death of scientist and the astronomer Chriet Titulaer is the reason for many Dutch and foreigners to give way to the life of the distinctive television personality. On Twitter, many personal memories of the 73-year-old died Titulaer.

  • Most billionaires in China

    Most billionaires in China

    beijing March 8, 2017 12:51 Hot Recent News

    The country is still a people's republic with one-party, communist, but that does not mean that the real big earners are Chinese. China counts measured in dollars, more billionaires than the United States. In the so-called Club of Nine Zeros adorns China in the first place with less than 609 billionaires. live in the US 552 people who have more than a billion are in their account.

  • Elderly lady driving Rhea death

    Elderly lady driving Rhea death

    schlagsdorf February 6, 2017 17:33 Hot Recent News

    A 92-year-old motorist Monday near Schlagsdorf in the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern collided with a rhea, an ostrich from South America. The elderly lady was lightly wounded, the feathered beast that walked on the road, the blow did not survive. According to the police is the damage to the car in the thousands of euros.

  • Mexico wall: long, high and expensive

    Mexico wall: long, high and expensive

    tijuana January 25, 2017 20:00 Hot Recent News

    The US president Donald Trump on Wednesday ordered the construction of a wall along the border with Mexico. Along the US-Mexico border are already meter high fences and other obstructions over a distance of approximately 1,000 kilometers. That's almost a third of the border that runs from Brownsville to the Pacific Ocean in San Diego to the Gulf of Mexico.

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