Woman stops laxative in brownies for colleagues

Woman stops laxative in brownies for colleagues

World May 16, 2018 12:39

saline - A 47-year-old woman from the American state of Michigan was fired after she had put laxative in the brownies for her colleagues. The delicacy was meant for the farewell party of a colleague.

The woman probably wanted to take revenge on her very last day with her colleague, with whom she had often had a fight. But the 'party pooper' was caught. A colleague suspected something was not quite right and informed the management of the engineering company.

Before anyone could take a bite of the laxer brownies, the police were already on the sidewalk. The employee first denied having put something in the brownies, but after the agents threatened to take her baking to the laboratory, she admitted everything.

'You often see this in films or series. It is then meant to be funny, but it can also be very dangerous ', the police commissioner responded. 'It's a criminal offense. 'Her previous employer does not take any steps. The woman only has to find a new job, report local media.

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