US Elections Straining Friendships - A Diary Entry by Paul Jansen
October 29, 2024 21:20
united states - The upcoming US elections are causing rifts within families and friendships, as the choice between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump polarizes the nation.
The lady behind the hotel desk in Detroit, with red asymmetrical hair and black horn-rimmed glasses, made it clear she supports Kamala Harris without explicitly saying so. The upcoming elections are creating chaos in American households, splitting families and destroying friendships. Tips on maintaining social harmony amidst divided opinions have been widely circulated - the key advice being: just avoid the topic altogether.
These tensions are a result of a highly polarized campaign in the US. Politicians are framing the 'democracy's celebration' as an existential battle, leading to elevated levels of stress among Americans. Three-quarters of the population are experiencing election-related stress, with psychologists providing coping strategies like separating individuals from their political opinions, to avoid conflicts.
Despite clichés about friendships transcending political differences, a staggering 55% of the population feel anger when elections are brought up, leading to approximately one in ten relationships being strained. The American Psychological Association has identified symptoms like insomnia, irritability, and obsessive behavior resulting from election stress, which can even have detrimental effects on one's health.
Even prominent figures like Maria Shriver, former First Lady of California, have shared their struggles with the campaign-induced anxiety. Shriver, currently a journalist, revealed in an interview with Harris that she is overwhelmed by nerves due to the elections and has resorted to meditation, yoga, and consuming 'all kinds of gummies' in pursuit of a good night's sleep.
Despite the potential misinterpretation, Harris was quick to clarify that she does not partake in such substances, as 'gummies' could refer to calming candies infused with soft drugs. A moment of inadvertence could have had consequences beyond affecting her sleep.