Two Chinese Killed in Explosion Near Karachi Airport in Pakistan

Two Chinese Killed in Explosion Near Karachi Airport in Pakistan

World October 7, 2024 06:30

karachi - An explosion near Karachi Airport in Pakistan has resulted in the deaths of two Chinese citizens. The Chinese embassy in Islamabad confirmed the incident.

Local authorities reported an explosion on a highway leading to the country's largest airport, with ten people also injured. The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has claimed responsibility for the attack.

The BLA stated that a group of Chinese engineers and investors were the target of the assault. The Chinese embassy described it as a 'terrorist attack' on personnel at an energy project in Karachi. However, the police have not confirmed it as a terrorist attack.

The BLA is the largest among ethnic insurgent groups resisting the central government and advocating for autonomy for the impoverished province of Balochistan in the southwest of the country. They believe the government is unfairly exploiting the gas and mineral resources in the province. In August, dozens of people were killed in attacks by the group.

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