Surprising Victory for N-VA in Antwerp Council Elections, Defeating Communists

Surprising Victory for N-VA in Antwerp Council Elections, Defeating Communists

World October 13, 2024 21:50

brussels - In a surprising turn of events, N-VA emerged as the largest party in Antwerp, defeating the communist party PVDA. Read more on

In the past weeks, polls predicted a neck-and-neck race between the Flemish-nationalist N-VA and the Marxist PVDA. The results show a clear victory for De Wever. PVDA remains behind but has gained significantly, becoming the second largest party in the city for the first time.

"Roma victrix, Rome has won," De Wever declared in his speech. "Freedom has won. Prosperity has won. For the third time in a row, we are the largest party in Antwerp!"

Despite the election victory, it remains uncertain how long De Wever will remain as mayor. He is being considered as the next Prime Minister of Belgium. In that case, the N-VA alderman Els van Doesburg, born in the Netherlands, is his likely successor.

These municipal elections were unique for Flanders. Residents were not obligated to visit polling stations for the first time, leading to a voter turnout of around 60 percent, compared to 92 percent in the 2018 elections.

There were other notable outcomes, such as the possibility of Ninove having a Vlaams Belang mayor for the first time. The far-right party secured an absolute majority. In other municipalities, the cordon sanitaire - a political blockade - makes cooperation unlikely.

In Brakel, outgoing Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open VLD) could become the mayor due to an absolute majority. Left-wing parties won the local elections in Flemish student cities Gent and Leuven.

In Brussels and Wallonia, there was still a mandatory voting obligation. The French-speaking Parti Socialiste of Mayor Philippe Close remains in power in the Belgian capital. In many districts, the new party Team Fouad Ahidar, targeting migrants, gained significant votes. In the infamous disadvantaged neighborhood of Molenbeek, socialists narrowly defeated the Marxists.

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