Strong Muscles Lower Cancer Mortality Risk

australia - New research suggests that muscle strength can nearly halve the risk of death in cancer patients.
Physical Strength Leads to Lower Mortality
A recent study of 47,000 patients reveals the significant impact of muscle strength and physical fitness on reducing the risk of death among cancer patients.
Researchers from Edith Cowan University in Australia found that good muscle strength and physical fitness can nearly halve the risk of death for cancer patients with various types and stages of the disease. The findings of the study were published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Importance of Physical Fitness
Analysing studies from August 2023 to the present, researchers discovered that patients with weak muscle strength and low physical fitness have a 46% higher probability of mortality for any reason compared to those with high muscle strength and good physical fitness. The combination of good strength and fitness also reduces the risk of death for cancer patients.
The study suggests that muscle strength can be used in clinical practice to determine the risk of death in advanced-stage cancer patients, emphasizing the importance of strength training to improve quality of life.
Focus on Waist Circumference
Another study funded by the World Cancer Research Fund shared the analysis that exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can maximize quality of life. Dr. Helen Croker, a researcher at the World Cancer Research Fund, highlighted the importance of a holistic lifestyle over focusing on a single factor to reduce cancer risk. Maintaining a healthy weight, especially having a balanced waist circumference, being physically active, and healthy eating are crucial in lowering cancer risk.
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