Son of Osama Bin Laden Expelled from France for Terrorist Propaganda

Son of Osama Bin Laden Expelled from France for Terrorist Propaganda

World October 10, 2024 15:40

paris - Omar Bin Laden, the oldest son of Osama Bin Laden, has been expelled from France for spreading terrorist propaganda in honor of his father.

Omar Bin Laden, the son of Al Qaeda's founder, has been accused of posting a controversial tweet praising Osama Bin Laden on the anniversary of his death in May 2023. As a result, the French Minister of Interior, Bruno Retailleau, declared that Omar Bin Laden is prohibited from setting foot on French soil. Bin Laden denies responsibility for the tweet, claiming his account was hacked from abroad.

In the interest of national security, Omar Bin Laden was required to leave France in October, a decision he contested from Qatar. The court upheld the legality of the decision, ensuring that Mr. Bin Laden cannot return to France for any reason. Omar Bin Laden, one of eleven sons of the notorious terrorist responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, resided in Normandy with his British wife before the expulsion.

Bin Laden had found solace and pursued a career as an artist in Normandy, away from the violence of his past. Despite his peaceful life, he was abruptly expelled from France in October 2023, a decision that his wife, Zaina, attributes to a hacked tweet falsely attributed to him.

Zaina, confident in her husband's innocence, attests to Omar's peaceful nature and artistic endeavors. Omar himself emphasizes his condemnation of terrorism and violence, a sentiment echoed by his supporters and neighbors in France who describe him as kind and far removed from his father's legacy. Omar Bin Laden's tumultuous upbringing in jihad camps contrasts with his current peaceful existence as an artist in Normandy, cut short by the recent expulsion from France.

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