Russian Dissident Released from Prison Reveals Harsh Reality of Putin's Regime

Russian Dissident Released from Prison Reveals Harsh Reality of Putin's Regime

World September 23, 2024 23:59

russia - Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian dissident, speaks out about the torture practices in Putin's prisons after being released following a 25-year sentence.

Two months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in April 2022, Vladimir Kara-Murza was arrested. He was a vocal critic of Putin's regime and had survived two poisoning attempts in the past. Despite his imprisonment, he remained resilient and continued his activism.

During his time in prison, Kara-Murza faced harsh conditions, spending most of his days in a small cell with minimal human contact. He described the mental and emotional toll of long-term isolation, highlighting the challenges of maintaining sanity in such conditions.

Despite the difficulties, Kara-Murza found solace in reading and writing, using his limited access to pen and paper to communicate with the outside world. He reflected on the censorship he faced and the sense of miracle in being alive after such a grueling experience.

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